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I have a credit card with same bank I have my mortgage with.

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    I have a credit card with same bank I have my mortgage with.

    I was wondering if anybody might know. I have a mortgage, home equity loan and a cc with the same bank. Will they give me any problems with my mortgage loans if I file bankruptcy since I have a cc with them too?

    I dont believe they will. I had a cc through my mortgage holder. I reaffirmed my mortgage without issue, the cc was discharged.
    Discharged 1-25-10


      You shouldn't have any problems with them if all you have is a 1st/2nd mortgage and credit card with them. If you have a bank account with them you should expect that they'll wipe out your bank account to cover the credit card debt.

      I am an attorney, but I am just not your attorney.
      As such, any statement is not intended to create an attorney/client relationship.


        I have my mortgage with Citi and had a couple of cc with them. I didn't have any direct issues with them in regards to the cards comingling with the mortgage. But I will say their bk department has a lot to be desired for service. I did a reaffirm agreement (it was the best choice for me since I have some equity and my house payment is a lot less than what I can rent for in my area). To make a long story short, I spent hours on end with the idiots on the phone trying to get their numbers on the agreement to jive with the information I had and to remove my husband as a debtor (he was never on the mortgage). Best of luck to you.


          Same position... mortgage, brokerage account, checking and two CCs with BofA. We're close to filing C7. Our mortgage is current and will continue to be. We switched checking to another bank, wiped out the brokerage funds and sheltered our tax refund ($274)... all on the advice of our attorney. You should be fine.


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