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PI's Outside - Time to File?

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    PI's Outside - Time to File?

    Ok, no question that the two guys sitting in the car across the street a bit earlier were private investigators. Just no question.

    I talked to a law firm yesterday who quoted me a really good rate. Almost half what others quoted. Question: I know they are a bit of a BK mill, but that doesn't bother me, as long as they get the job done. And they are rated "A" by the BBB. I looked at the 5 complaints lodged against them, all but one were resolved, but considering the volume they do, that doesn't concern me either. What does concern me is this. They said the 'average' turn around time is 2 months from the time I hire them to the actual filing. Which would put me at filing the end of March. I would, of course, instantly tell creditors that I've hired a law firm (when I do), just so they can stop sending out PIs (this is the 3rd suspicous incident in the past few weeks...almost positive the other guys were surveilling as well).

    Would a creditor have time to do any damage to me, given that the firm is probably 'known' for taking a few months to file? Would anyone sue even after I told them I have hired a law firm? Or would it simply not be worth their time? It's mostly the 'known' delay of that firm that worries me.

    Thanks. I am very nervous. Two police cars parked out front when I got home from the errands, and of course, I'm convinced they are visiting my landlord (who lives nearby). Just can't take it any more. I am at 4 months now of missed payments...everyone says it's too early, but I know for a fact those were private investigators this morning. They were checkin out a) me and b) the value of my car.

    Depending on what you say, I am hiring this firm today.

    Why on earth would PI's and the police be checking you out ? I BK'd and dumped my house after BK and no-one bothered with more than a phone call...If you just have a "normal" debt load, they don't bother with all the cloak and dagger stuff..And as someone who is employed in law enforcement, I can tell you that unless there's some type of criminal intent going on, the police do not get involved in debt collection, it is a civil matter only..


      Originally posted by bulletproof77 View Post
      Why on earth would PI's and the police be checking you out ? I BK'd and dumped my house after BK and no-one bothered with more than a phone call...If you just have a "normal" debt load, they don't bother with all the cloak and dagger stuff..And as someone who is employed in law enforcement, I can tell you that unless there's some type of criminal intent going on, the police do not get involved in debt collection, it is a civil matter only..
      No, no criminal intent (just dealing with not being able to pay my bills is bad enough, thanks). I am one of thousands carrying 40K in unsecured debt who plans to file. It was the combination of seeing two guys who I am sure were surveilling and then 1/2 hour later seeing two police cars parked in front of my building when i got back from running errands. Unnerving, given my situation. I thought the police 'served' legal papers in the case of a lawsuit(?). Or maybe it has to be the Sheriff's Dept.. As it turns out, they were here for an emergency at the building next door. I have read of many instances (people posting online) of getting sued only 3.5 months after stopping payments. I don't think it's out of the question.

      What about the 2 months lapse before the firm can file. Do I face any risk there? Is that an 'opening' for an aggressive creditor?


        You're wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there with your thoughts. No one is sending a private eye to check you out over the credit cards, the police are not there for you, and any bk firm that takes 2 months to get the job done would not be a firm that I would consider.

        Don't mean to be harsh, but chill. You are not as important to them as you think you are. (And neither are any of the rest of us).
        All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
        Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


          Originally posted by frogger View Post
          You're wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there with your thoughts. No one is sending a private eye to check you out over the credit cards, the police are not there for you, and any bk firm that takes 2 months to get the job done would not be a firm that I would consider.

          Don't mean to be harsh, but chill. You are not as important to them as you think you are. (And neither are any of the rest of us).
          I called the police to report someone sitting in a car for hours on end (he was either passed out or sleeping...), and guess what she said: "Well, if it's a private investigator, they usually let us know if they are going to be in the area, but we haven't had any calls today." So are her thoughts are WAAAAYYYYYYY out there too?

          I'm just sayin'. Chill, dude.


            LOL!! You are too funny and I agree with the 'frogger', you are wayyyyy out their with your!! Were they parked under a nice shady tree? Maybe they were just have lunch! Sometimes I drive around and park somewhere nice just to enjoy the day (on my lunch break)....Lol! I understand that BK can make you go crazy, every time my door bell rang, I would jump out of my skin thinking that it was someone here to serve me! No one ever did....I stopped paying my creditors a year before I file and I guess I wasn't as "important" as I bk was pretty UNeventful
            Last edited by liz417; 01-28-2010, 05:13 PM.
            May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
            May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
            May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
            9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


              Part of what we are seeking with BK is peace of mind. I'd consider it paramount to hire an attorney where peace of mind will come along sooner, rather than later.

              Seriously. Your attorney should be supportive and kind and responsive to your needs. Your needs: whether you need to postpone filing for strategic reasons, or you need to get filed right away in order to have the stay in place promptly.


                Most places can do an emergency filing at extra cost.

                I would sic the cops on anybody unusual loitering in my neighborhood.
                If you're a woman or have kids, that goes double.
                Probably the best case scenario is that it's a licensed p.i.
                filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!


                  And I thought I was paranoid.........


                    Law firms use PIs to snoop on people who are claiming they are injured. Sometimes they use them to serve process on people who are avoiding being found. They may even use them in bankruptcy cases where people are hiding assets or some such. But nobody is going to snoop on you because you're behind on your credit cards.
                    Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                      These posts are making me laugh!!! Awfull, I know.......but I remember being paranoid and going through this last summer.
                      From this day on I move FORWARD!!!
                      Filed Chapter 7 on 3/20/09!
                      Discharged 6/2009


                        Originally posted by liz417 View Post
                        LOL!! You are too funny and I agree with the 'frogger', you are wayyyyy out their with your!! Were they parked under a nice shady tree? Maybe they were just have lunch! Sometimes I drive around and park somewhere nice just to enjoy the day (on my lunch break)....Lol! I understand that BK can make you go crazy, every time my door bell rang, I would jump out of my skin thinking that it was someone here to serve me! No one ever did....I stopped paying my creditors a year before I file and I guess I wasn't as "important" as I bk was pretty UNeventful
                        For you and Frogger (from "encylopediadramatica" website):

                        "I've got my tinfoil hat on, hip hip hip hooray, my tinfoil hat will shield me from your mind controlling ray." Ha ha.

                        I live in an area of major wealth. Would not surprise me at all if that bat-shat-crazy-debt-collecting law firm sent someone out to assess the situation (residence, car, etc.). If so, in my case, they are wasting their time!

                        I realize I am going on instinct, but I would put money on my 'call'.


                          Originally posted by ToughTimes View Post
                          Part of what we are seeking with BK is peace of mind. I'd consider it paramount to hire an attorney where peace of mind will come along sooner, rather than later.

                          Seriously. Your attorney should be supportive and kind and responsive to your needs. Your needs: whether you need to postpone filing for strategic reasons, or you need to get filed right away in order to have the stay in place promptly.
                          Totally get this. Thanks.


                            Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                            Law firms use PIs to snoop on people who are claiming they are injured. Sometimes they use them to serve process on people who are avoiding being found. They may even use them in bankruptcy cases where people are hiding assets or some such. But nobody is going to snoop on you because you're behind on your credit cards.
                            All true, but I swear they were here checking up. It's possible it's related to another matter (having nothing to do with creditors).


                              Years ago, I spotted an undercover narcotics officer strolling my neighborhood (don't ask how I knew that's what he was). A few days later, there was a huge meth lab bust in the house across the street. They might be scoping out an actual bad guy.
                              11/09 - Ran out of money - 1/4/10 - Filed Chapter 7 (Pro-Se) - 2/16/10 - 341 Meeting -6/17/10 - Reaffirmation hearing (auto) - DISCHARGED 7/6/10m CLOSED 7/26/10


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