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Amending the petition....AFTER 341

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    Amending the petition....AFTER 341

    I don't know if I can do this or not, but I thought I'd ask. My health insurance company denied some claims, or only partially paid them, for things I was led to believe would be fully covered.

    I haven't gotten the bills yet, but by their accounting I owe the provider over $500.

    Some of the services were provided before I filed, some after.

    Is it possible to petition the court to add these to the dischargeable debts...I suppose the creditor would have to be given an opportunity to object, and all that...

    I might end up going pro se on this, since my attorney is likely to charge for getting these bills worked in, even if it's possible.

    Trustee's report on my case says no assets.
    341 Meeting 11-Jan-2010
    Unsecured debt: $46,000 IRS: $1800
    Discharged and Closed 27-April 2010

    If your case is still open, and the service were provided before you filed, then you can amend your schedules. If you filed by and through an attorney, then they'll probably charge you for 1-hour of work plus the "amendment" fee of $26.
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Thanks. Looking over the claims history it looks like most of the charges were made before filing.
      341 Meeting 11-Jan-2010
      Unsecured debt: $46,000 IRS: $1800
      Discharged and Closed 27-April 2010


        Don't believe you can file anything "pro se" while you still have an attorney.
        Filed Ch7 5/28/09 (Pro Se) Orlando, 341 7/01, UST selected case for audit 7/01, Last day for objection 8/31. Audit report filed 9/10, no material misstatements. Discharged and closed 9/22/2009


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