I don't know what I am going to say.
I was college student until my parents decided to move. I was half way to finish with the college but my parents decided to stop support me go college. Since I have 3 credits card, my parents said thing will be ok. So I wasn't sure and wasn't prepare for anything since they left me here. What I mean they have not talk to me about what to do or asking for help.
They just left me here and figure on that track guide, "What to do?" I am disability and try to get college finish. One day, I got sick and health went out of control almost one year until I got thing back on track. Until my blue cross blue shield decline all the doctor I visit. The money got my debt become heavy. I search to find job and parents doesn't want help. They suspection that I use for fun but I asking for the food.
Today, I got 2 job and plan to go college in Spring. All my debt total nearly 20,000 due my health, food, and some bill for house.
My roommate see me all the thru that I am standing and told me, "Why can't you just simple Bankruptcy and do the number 7. They will not bother you for money. Just like you are walking free and start all over."
It is sound like joke because I learn that bankruptcy can effect all of our life. I know that can't get loan or new car for while to get one. I heard that can effect the job whenever I am looking for.
Sometime, I am blaming my parents because they told me before I graduated from high school. I don't know if that enough reason for me?
Please help me this one moment and what is going be happen to me.
I am only 24 years old. I might sound like whimp because I just don't know what do and even my parents said, "everything is gone be fine." What a good advise that are my parents.
I don't know what I am going to say.
I was college student until my parents decided to move. I was half way to finish with the college but my parents decided to stop support me go college. Since I have 3 credits card, my parents said thing will be ok. So I wasn't sure and wasn't prepare for anything since they left me here. What I mean they have not talk to me about what to do or asking for help.
They just left me here and figure on that track guide, "What to do?" I am disability and try to get college finish. One day, I got sick and health went out of control almost one year until I got thing back on track. Until my blue cross blue shield decline all the doctor I visit. The money got my debt become heavy. I search to find job and parents doesn't want help. They suspection that I use for fun but I asking for the food.
Today, I got 2 job and plan to go college in Spring. All my debt total nearly 20,000 due my health, food, and some bill for house.
My roommate see me all the thru that I am standing and told me, "Why can't you just simple Bankruptcy and do the number 7. They will not bother you for money. Just like you are walking free and start all over."
It is sound like joke because I learn that bankruptcy can effect all of our life. I know that can't get loan or new car for while to get one. I heard that can effect the job whenever I am looking for.
Sometime, I am blaming my parents because they told me before I graduated from high school. I don't know if that enough reason for me?
Please help me this one moment and what is going be happen to me.
I am only 24 years old. I might sound like whimp because I just don't know what do and even my parents said, "everything is gone be fine." What a good advise that are my parents.