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Is Ex-Wife Responsible for my Debt incured after divorce???

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    Is Ex-Wife Responsible for my Debt incured after divorce???

    Post Marital Cc Debt Dischargeable
    My question involves bankruptcy in the state of: Washington

    I am considering bankruptcy in Washington State. Washington is a community property state.

    I have over $50,000 in unsecured CC debt.

    I applied for and received credit accounts while I was married (2004-2008), and I am now divorced (since January 2008). I had a large balance, while still married, on a particular credit card. I paid off this balance before my divorce finalized. Later, I took another transfer from this credit card.

    My question:

    Can my ex-wife be held liable for the debt that I incurred after the divorce, when the credit card was obtained while we were married? My ex wife did not apply with me for this card, and they do not have her personal information.

    Thank you.

    Little- From what I understand about this if your ex-wife was on the accounts as a joint signer then yes it is possible for the creditors to go after her for the debts. But if these debts were incurred in your name only then no they cannot go after her.

    I am new to this but it was a question I asked the atty I met with since I did not want my ex-husband to be dragged into anything. In our case non of our debts (except for the mortgage on the house that he got in the divorce) were ever joint held so my credit cards held in my name only will not effect him in anyway.

    Someone else may answer more in depth but thats my understanding.


      Does anybody else have information about this?


      Does anybody else have knowledge about this issue? I plan to re-post with an updated question, but I will appreciate a response to this question.



        I don't think there is anything more to it...

        Your ex could only be held responsible if:

        1. She is jointly responsible for the account
        2. The debt was accumulated while married based on community property laws.
        Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
        (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


          I filed by myself, my husband was not involved, and the debt I had was from my divorce from my first husband. I didn't get any scathing e-mails from him regarding my bankruptcy last year, so I can only assume that they didn't feel the need to bother him.

          Though if they did, I wouldn't care. He was a jerk anyway.
          Filed - 11/19/08;341 - 12/22/08
          Discharged - 2/23/09 ;Closed - 3/6/09
          Got my first post BK credit line - car loan - 4/9/09 On my way to recovery.


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