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I went 8 months without paying before filing for bk without any majors issues other than losts of phone calls.
I am having an issue with one of the creditors included in the bk, that filed a lawsuit 6 weeks after I filed for bk. They mailed a letter and filed 2 days later without giving me time to receive the letter and call them to inform them that I already filed. When I called them and told them I received the letter and advised that I filed for bk, gave them my atty info, they didn't bother to stop the server nor tell me they had filed a lawsuit. They should have been notified a while ago. My bk atty is dealing with the issue. They were definitely included in my bk.
20 or so cards, stopped paying in feb-march 2009, all have charged off except Wells fargo which should at the end of this month. all the rest have been to at least 1 collection agency, some are now with Law firms threatning to sue. Plan to file Jan-Feb 2010