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My experience with Toyota Motor Credit

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    My experience with Toyota Motor Credit

    First off...I have to thank everyone who contributes to this site. Knowing how to prepare,and what to expect helped me get through my financial mess. Thank you all!

    I was leasing through Toyota Financial when I decided to file BK. I just wanted to give a time-line based on my experience so others in the same situation know what to expect.

    5-28-09 Filed Chapter 7 with the statement of intent to assume the lease. (Wasn't going to assume)

    6-5 Toyota requests through my attorney "prepare a letter indicating the preference to assume the lease,and forward it to this address" (Ignored this request)

    7-1 341 meeting (no creditors showed)

    7-12 Made last payment on lease.

    9-3 Discharged (no asset)

    9-10 Closed

    10-1 Called the local Toyota Dealership. Told them the insurance will expire in a few days,and I would like to drop the truck off. They said "can't accept the vehicle without a signed voluntary surrender agreement due to liability issues"

    10-2 Called Toyota financial. They said the same thing,and would send out the agreement for me to sign/return.

    10-6 I receive the surrender agreement,and it basically makes me liable for a deficiency balance after the truck is sold at auction. Later that day I call Toyota,and tell them to get bent! I also mention it has no insurance,will be sitting in my driveway,and they can come repo it anytime they like. Was told an agent will contact me in 1-2 days to arrange pick-up. I was never contacted.

    10-23 I receive the "Notice of right to cure default" It basically says make the three past due payments in full by 11-2 and I can continue the lease as though I did not default. Thanks,but no thanks. Later that day I call Toyota to remind them that the truck has been awaiting repossession 24/7 for weeks. Was told an agent will contact me in 1-2 days to arrange pick-up.

    Today is 10-30. I never was contacted by the so called "agent" The truck still sits in my driveway as I type. I'm thinking once the right to cure default deadline passes they will repo the truck. On the other hand it could still be there on Christmas day.

    Experience with Toyota Financial-Vehicle Repossed

    I called Toyota Financial 3 days ago to advise them that I was not going to keep the vehicle and that I was filing for Bankruptcy. They picked it up yesterday (11/4). The payments were about 80 days late.

    Just thought I'd share my experience with them. Some people were saying that it was taking months for them to come get it after calling.

    Thanks for all the great advice on this forum! You guys are great!!
    Filed 11/6/2009
    Last day for objections-2/12/1010


      Hmm that's interesting. I had intended to keep a 2010 corolla I bought back in March but my lawyer failed to get the reaffirmation papers back to Toyota in time. So, I decided to let it go instead. I was not even late yet and I called them up about 2-3 weeks ago and said I was voluntarily surrendering the car and they said sure no problem a rep will call me in 2-10 days for appointment. Course, the rep never called and they actually just came and took it all mysteriously in the night (separate thread!! but they did come and get it.

      Not sure why they would be dragging their heels with you. Isn't it against the rules for them to be coming after you for a deficiency since it was included in your BK? Or does it work differently with leases?
      BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
      Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


        Today is 11-5. The repo guy finally called last night. He wanted to pick up the truck this morning,and I said no problem. I was a little surprised when he showed up in a 2000 Taurus accompanied by his wife. I pictured it being loaded on a flatbed or something. He gave me copies of the repo order,and I gave him the keys. He put a temporary plate on the truck,and they both drove off. Had no problems...easy as could be.

        It's my understanding that Toyota could not get a deficiency against me since I included the lease in my BK. I just preferred not to sign the voluntary surrender agreement in order to drop off the truck at the dealership. I believe Toyota has a set procedure,and fails to observe circumstance.


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