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Well had our 341 today. It took all of 3 minutes to complete. The worst part was sitting there waiting to be called up. Couldnt belive it though, some guy didnt have all his paperwork in to the trustee, and wasnt happy about that. And some other guy got grilled about bogus checks he had written. I was happy ours was no we are 60 day club!!
Filed C7 9-14-09
341 Meeting 10-26-09
Last day for Objections 12-28-09
Discharged 1-4-10
Congrats to you! I hope you have an uneventful 60 days!
4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!