I was going to be filing this coming week, and I met with my lawyer last week to finalize things. I reminded him that I am being laid off Oct. 31, and will be getting a substantial check for severance/bonus. He looked at the amount, talked with me, and considered some alternatives, then told me that if I filed before I got it, then the trustee would take the non-exempt amount because I know I will be receiving it. He said he needs to talk to some colleagues, but that I should file after I receive it, but within the same month I receive it (so it won't count in the means test).
The difference for exemption purposes is that if I receive it after filing, he said he can only exempt based on the gross (before taxes) amount. There will be quite a bit taken out in taxes. Also, he said if it is direct deposited into my account, and I spend some of that money on bills (house payment, etc.), then he could exempt the amount that is in my checking account.
I understand his logic, but wanted to run it by this forum. If I received it after filing, he said I could have to pay $5k to the trustee.
The difference for exemption purposes is that if I receive it after filing, he said he can only exempt based on the gross (before taxes) amount. There will be quite a bit taken out in taxes. Also, he said if it is direct deposited into my account, and I spend some of that money on bills (house payment, etc.), then he could exempt the amount that is in my checking account.
I understand his logic, but wanted to run it by this forum. If I received it after filing, he said I could have to pay $5k to the trustee.