Not fun like a roller coaster at Cedar Point, but a rush all the same. We got to listen to a few people before ours, I was expecting a roomfull of people, but I only saw a few. A representative from my lawyers office showed and obviously had ZERO knowledge on BK law or practice as he could not answer any questions. No problem, I said, I have the BK Forum to lean on and get correct answers.
My DW was just as calm as can it, I wasted so much energy and emotion for an easy and pretty simple meeting. Oh well, it's over.
It is very standard at first, take an oath, state your name and address, and get asked the required questions, simply answering yes or no. The fun began when I was asked about the transfer of my daughters car to her, easy smeasy, I provided the cancelled check from my daughters account and on to the next item. Are you reaffirming on your home...yes, your 2004 Dodge truck...yes.
All in all pretty easy but we are required to provide our 2009 tax return to her, she said I was on the fence for my exemptions to cover my return since I got back so much last year. She told me we would be discharged but not closed until she saw our tax return and made a determination.
I really hope she is honest about this.
She asked how long we have had these debts and how it came about. I responded short and sweet, we were charging our living expenses. She responded "the numbers just didn't add up at the end of the month" I responded yes.
She did inquire about my daughters, one away at college and one living home, going to college and working. She asked where she worked??? Not sure why.
I hope that's it, I am praying that I AM a member of the 60 day club. Not sure if I can continue this emtional roller coaster...I am way to serious and worrysome to have to continue this for months on end.
My DW was just as calm as can it, I wasted so much energy and emotion for an easy and pretty simple meeting. Oh well, it's over.
It is very standard at first, take an oath, state your name and address, and get asked the required questions, simply answering yes or no. The fun began when I was asked about the transfer of my daughters car to her, easy smeasy, I provided the cancelled check from my daughters account and on to the next item. Are you reaffirming on your home...yes, your 2004 Dodge truck...yes.
All in all pretty easy but we are required to provide our 2009 tax return to her, she said I was on the fence for my exemptions to cover my return since I got back so much last year. She told me we would be discharged but not closed until she saw our tax return and made a determination.
She asked how long we have had these debts and how it came about. I responded short and sweet, we were charging our living expenses. She responded "the numbers just didn't add up at the end of the month" I responded yes.
She did inquire about my daughters, one away at college and one living home, going to college and working. She asked where she worked??? Not sure why.
I hope that's it, I am praying that I AM a member of the 60 day club. Not sure if I can continue this emtional roller coaster...I am way to serious and worrysome to have to continue this for months on end.