I'm close to filing a 7 in Ohio. I just got hurt on the job and will likely end up with a settlement from workers comp and settlement for a personal injury suit. Both of these will take quite a while to hash out. Even if I wait 3-4 months to file I would guess actual settlements could easily be a year or more away. I don't anticipate settlement numbers to be large enough to pay off all of my debt.
Will the fact that settlements are likely coming in the future block the BK until they are worked out?
Would there be a way to put the $ in a trust used to pay medical bills in the future? Maybe I could use the $ for all family medical expenses down the road.
Would there be a way to take the settlements as structured settlements where they would count the $ as income but not take it all. Or maybe figure out a cash value of the structured settlement and only have to pay that amount to the trustee and keep the rest as it comes in?
Will the fact that settlements are likely coming in the future block the BK until they are worked out?
Would there be a way to put the $ in a trust used to pay medical bills in the future? Maybe I could use the $ for all family medical expenses down the road.
Would there be a way to take the settlements as structured settlements where they would count the $ as income but not take it all. Or maybe figure out a cash value of the structured settlement and only have to pay that amount to the trustee and keep the rest as it comes in?