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When can I start putting a little in savings?

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    When can I start putting a little in savings?

    We filed 9/1 and have our meeting on 10/30. I've been putting some money back for emergencies. Right now it's in a hiding place in the house, but I'd like to put it in the bank for safety reasons.

    When is it safe to have money in savings again? Will they ask for bank account balances again? It's about $1000.

    You can begin putting money into your savings account right after you file. As one of the other posters on here mentioned the other day: the BK is a snapshot in time as of the filing date (not a movie).

    When the Trustee is looking for a bank statment after filing, they are usually just looking to see your actual balance as of the filing date.
    Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
    Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

    I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


      i would wait at least until the end of the statement cycle that includes your filing date (it probably passed by now). but, i am a bit paranoid and i haven't yet put any money in any bank even though i have been discharged. i would go to the post office and buy a money order with it, payable to yourself. it'll cost you $1.50 and has no expiration date and is a bit safer than cash if you put your receipt in a separate place (maybe even scan it into your computer). after discharge, when you feel safe, deposit it.

      having said that, technically nobody has a right to touch anything you acquire after the filing date. but, i just don't trust the system because it never worked for me (except for the bk, that is).
      filed ch7 May 09
      341 june 09
      discharged, closed Aug 09


        I would personally wait until the end of the statement cycle of the month you are filing. So if you'd on 9/1 you should now be or about to be in a different month.
        Filed 10/8/09
        341 11/2/09
        Last Day For Objections 1/4/10
        Discharged 1/5/10


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