Its your life...
Hey, we all have issues and if your friend pays her bills and isn't having problems thats great, but for her to grill you, she obviously doesn't value your friendship cause a friend would try to understand from your perspective and why you had no options left...ya know try to get a view from your foot steps... its in these times of life ya find out who your friends really are...myself I keep things relatively private and i'm not even telling my Mom, she's the biggest Gossip of all,,, hahaha but it was her telling me to do it that got me going... Just glad she live across the Country...
Just remember, your bills are your business and We all get a second chance, and those CC company's made enough money from you with all those Ontime payments you made over the years... you just deleting part of what you owe.
Hey, we all have issues and if your friend pays her bills and isn't having problems thats great, but for her to grill you, she obviously doesn't value your friendship cause a friend would try to understand from your perspective and why you had no options left...ya know try to get a view from your foot steps... its in these times of life ya find out who your friends really are...myself I keep things relatively private and i'm not even telling my Mom, she's the biggest Gossip of all,,, hahaha but it was her telling me to do it that got me going... Just glad she live across the Country...
Just remember, your bills are your business and We all get a second chance, and those CC company's made enough money from you with all those Ontime payments you made over the years... you just deleting part of what you owe.