I was talking to a friend of mine about my bankruptcy and she was giving me a hard time about it. I was telling her how I would be able to get a car after discharge and things would be so much better, blah, blah and how it is a hard lesson to learn and then she goes on and on .. about oh you will not be able to get a car loan for this many years and noone is going to give you anything and people shouldnt be able to claim bankruptcy so easy and that she took 5 years to pay off $5,000.00 and blah blah... I was like you dont have three kids and a house payment and its not like I said on purpose Im going to get myself in so much debt and buy whatever I want and then file bankruptcy. Ive had most of these credit cards for over five years and was never never late.
sorry I Just had to vent and I thought this would be the place to do it..
sorry I Just had to vent and I thought this would be the place to do it..