Hello to everyone who's walked the line i'm toting now, just getting to my end with the Creditors, they just lower limits and raise for no reason the Interest on CC's, while we have not been late and have had some cards for many years, they are Crooks, just legal.
Want to know how that CA median income of $65K is compared to our either my income if i file separately, or jointly with my spouse. Is that 1/2 of that $65K to my income during that previous 6 mos filing period? Someone please advise me on the income compared to median, i understand that the $65K is joint income filing.
What determines if you can keep vehicles that loans are on? Presently current on all bills, yet with no income other than Unemployment and my wife's income, i'm just seeking thoughts on best ways to file.
What happens to our home since that's a joint mortgage if i was to file separately?
Well we have a Home here in NorCal and when I was working granted having to work some OT just to keep the bills paid was fine, we were staying afloat, just not enjoying the extra money and all. Now over the past 1.5 yrs we've had to borrow against our retirement to keep up during times of Layoff's and all, now with Construction being crap and that's my Industry, i'm now out of work, off work around 10wks in the past 6mos and just don't know when i'll return to work, may have to travel out of state or down south to get work if there's work to find.
Thanks for any Insight...never thought this day would come. Tell me it gets better...
Want to know how that CA median income of $65K is compared to our either my income if i file separately, or jointly with my spouse. Is that 1/2 of that $65K to my income during that previous 6 mos filing period? Someone please advise me on the income compared to median, i understand that the $65K is joint income filing.
What determines if you can keep vehicles that loans are on? Presently current on all bills, yet with no income other than Unemployment and my wife's income, i'm just seeking thoughts on best ways to file.
What happens to our home since that's a joint mortgage if i was to file separately?
Well we have a Home here in NorCal and when I was working granted having to work some OT just to keep the bills paid was fine, we were staying afloat, just not enjoying the extra money and all. Now over the past 1.5 yrs we've had to borrow against our retirement to keep up during times of Layoff's and all, now with Construction being crap and that's my Industry, i'm now out of work, off work around 10wks in the past 6mos and just don't know when i'll return to work, may have to travel out of state or down south to get work if there's work to find.
Thanks for any Insight...never thought this day would come. Tell me it gets better...