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New job -vs - 341 meeting on 10/15

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    10/15.....341 meeting follow-up

    Our 341 meeting was on Thurs. 10/15 @ 4:00.......The bottom line is that I was really nervous about the "income/job" question, and it did come up. The trustee asked,....."Mr Baker have you found a job"?.......I answered: "Yes mam",..... but she didn't follow-up with any other related questions to my current or future income!?!?!? As an FYI, I started my job on 10/5, and I received my first pay check on 10/16; technically I didn't receive any income up to that point, but she didn't dwell on it, it's a moot point.

    My wife & I were really nervous, but as I've seen others in this forum say, all you can do is be prepared, and obviously expect to tell the truth and let the chips fall. As everyone has mentioned, the 341 meeting was fast, quick, and painlesss!

    I just remembered,....I guess we qualify for the 60-day club!!!!

    Thanks again to everyone on this forum, and all your help & suggestions!


      Awesome! We were in the same situation! My dh started a job a few days after we "filed" and began getting income before the 341. Amazingly enough the tt didn't ask the standard question of our situation changing as she was focused more on our screwed up schedules. Needless to say, everything worked out fine for us and we are waiting on our official discharge which should be in a couple of days!


        Well, looks like economy has started to go up.??.. Good... now, should we thank Obama for that yet?... encouraging news about job from you guys to me... Congrats!


          I had a high-paying job all the way before, during and after the filing but because my debts were higher than my income, I passed the means test, also, the 6-month total income was not high enough as I only had the job for 4.5 months out of the 6 months.

          P.S. Somebody said that they would pay off every penny of their debt with a 90k job and they'd probably do that within a year. Well, I hope you never experience how sometimes it might not be possible but maybe some day it will be clear to you that when banks double your interest rate as soon as you finish construction on your house, it's really a set-up. There's a limit that people that bear up to, after then, they file bankruptcy
          Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
          341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
          Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
          Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


            glad to hear your good news redwing. now just keep your fingers crossed for that report of no distribution...
            filed ch7 May 09
            341 june 09
            discharged, closed Aug 09


              Thanks Music12 & all others for your help & encouragement!


                Originally posted by RBisDebtFree View Post
                I had a high-paying job all the way before, during and after the filing but because my debts were higher than my income, I passed the means test, also, the 6-month total income was not high enough as I only had the job for 4.5 months out of the 6 months.

                P.S. Somebody said that they would pay off every penny of their debt with a 90k job and they'd probably do that within a year. Well, I hope you never experience how sometimes it might not be possible but maybe some day it will be clear to you that when banks double your interest rate as soon as you finish construction on your house, it's really a set-up. There's a limit that people that bear up to, after then, they file bankruptcy
                Filed CH 7 12/1/2009
                341 Meeting 01/20/2010
                Discharged 3/22/2010
                Closed 3/29/2010


                  Originally posted by Redwing View Post
                  Thank you all for your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, advice, encouragement, etc.....!!!!

                  After some "soul searching" & additional information about what happens during the 341 meeting (and the potential questions), I think I'm going to try and delay my start date until after my meeting on 10/15 (I'll try for a start date of 10/19). That way I'll have a clear conscience if they ask; "Has anything changed with your finances"?

                  I know it's a calculated risk to ask for a start date so far in advance, but it's worth it knowing we can have a clean start & slate after the discharge (I have a long story, but besides CC debt, I had 10+ homes in TX that went into foreclosure over the past couple years)

                  Thanks again folks,....... and GOD bless you & America!
                  This is the right way to approach this, in my opinion. The BK estate includes only that which you had leading up to the date of filing. You didn't have this income then.

                  Every district may be different, I understand, but my attorney insisted that it did not matter how much I made after filing.
                  Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
                  341 Meeting 09/09/09
                  Discharged 11/12/09
                  Closed 12/14/09


                    Originally posted by killinstinct View Post
                    this is the right way to approach this, in my opinion. The bk estate includes only that which you had leading up to the date of filing. You didn't have this income then.

                    Every district may be different, i understand, but my attorney insisted that it did not matter how much i made after filing.
                    Exactly. Bk is a snapshot in time as of the filing date.
                    Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                    Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                    I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                      I agree, as far as I understand, when the trustee asks you "Has something changed?", he/she basically gives you a chance to amend anything in your case. In my case, when the trustee asked that question, my attorney said "Yes, there has been a change, we forgot to mention an checking account with a balance of $5 dollars", he didn't mention my 6-month income going up, not that I rented a place and now I had DMI.

                      So I understand it is legal to "live in the day of filing" when answering questions. Of course, except for the questions that obviously concern the current / present times.
                      Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
                      341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
                      Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
                      Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


                        I am confused.. So, which is it... the filing date or after your 341? We are very close on the median income. Hubby has done a bit better, and our 341 is the 27th. They did not ask for pay checks, do they ask for that later? And last year he thought he was going to knock them dead too. The truth is you don't know. So, what if this person takes the job with the HUGH and I am so jealous income.. ha ha.. And then in 6 months they lose it. So, now do they convert to a 7? After paying once for an attorney, and paying for all the payments/ fines fees what ever to set up a payment plan.. now what? Where I work they have talked about promoting me and two months later cut my hours instead. Now again they are talking about making changes, but until it happens you don't know. So, does anyone know for sure ... if you have your 341 but not discharge and you get an increase or a sweet deal like that do you lose the opportunity to bury your debt? I mean BOA has no problem giving Lewis an increase and still sucking money from us... hmmmm lol


                          I probably can't make any 100% correct legal statements but my assumption is that bankruptcy court looks at your picture as of the filing date, 341 can be scheduled whenever, it can be re-scheduled and that (as far as I know) does not affect what lead you to bankruptcy. I filed on Aug 6th and received a paycheck on Aug 14th, my attorney asked for that paycheck as is cover the July 31st to August 7th, that was needed to covert my filing date, also, he received all the bank statements I have received on or after the filing date, again, to the filing date. He didn't care about the 341 meeting date, in fact, he re-scheduled it 3 weeks forward as he had another client's 341 on the same date/time as mine.

                          I hope this helps!
                          Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
                          341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
                          Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
                          Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


                            I appreciate you telling me that.. and I understand this is not LEGAL ... I really wish this did not ruin you for so long...


                              Anything that happens after you file (ch 7) is not part of the bankruptcy estate. If you get a job prior to filing just list it, be truthful and if you get a job after you file just mention it at your 341 meeting if asked by the trustee. Keep your answers simple and brief. Most importantly ask your attorney these questions not a bunch of non lawyers on these threads. What I did was to go see other attorneys and ask them the same questions. 99% of reputable attorneys will see you for free on their "initial consultation", go see 20, 30, 50 attorneys if you like and you will get your questions answered. Even after I retained my attorney, I still went out and asked four more different attorneys the same or different questions and concerns. Some of the comments I read on these forums are so full of s--t. People want to sound like they are experts and some mean well but in fact they are just making nervous people feel worse about their situation. If you guys are just guessing DONT GUESS! please! Prior to filing, I would come and read some of the posts here and the majority of the comments were great and very helpfull, especially from the people who actually speak from experience and know what I and many others are going through and I thank you!
                              Last edited by otin1735; 05-29-2010, 03:58 PM.


                                I asked my Lawyer and he was very clear that other than something like winning the lotto I could earn as much as I wanted after I file. I also agree that the "Has anything changed?" question is about the filing paper not about your time between filing and the 341.


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