Thank goodness for this board, you all have been so helpful., I am meeting with my new attorney tuesday. But I am still so upset from the first one., one thing he says that keeps staying in my mind is: " the trustee will want to know exactly how you spent 90,000 in credit card debt., and he will want answers and will question you till he gets them" I have been running it over in my mind., How have any of you answered? I thought I would tell the truth., that I spent them for things I needed., I relocated twice had lots of expenses , was out of work a few months from relocating., then the interest rates went up payment amounts went up and I could no longer pay them., I was using them the last two years for food., clothing etc., etc.,....Do you think that is a problem with me telling them that., it is the truth. I am in Ohio , maybe the trustee's in ohio are more rough., I don't know ,,,HELP
Thank goodness for this board, you all have been so helpful., I am meeting with my new attorney tuesday. But I am still so upset from the first one., one thing he says that keeps staying in my mind is: " the trustee will want to know exactly how you spent 90,000 in credit card debt., and he will want answers and will question you till he gets them" I have been running it over in my mind., How have any of you answered? I thought I would tell the truth., that I spent them for things I needed., I relocated twice had lots of expenses , was out of work a few months from relocating., then the interest rates went up payment amounts went up and I could no longer pay them., I was using them the last two years for food., clothing etc., etc.,....Do you think that is a problem with me telling them that., it is the truth. I am in Ohio , maybe the trustee's in ohio are more rough., I don't know ,,,HELP
