well Im back from my 341....WOW how easy was that!!!! I was so nervous it wasnt even funny and was even more nervous when I walked in to the room and heard some lady being drilled over some rings she inherited in the late 80s!! she was hiding something you could tell...the trustee knew it and continued her meeting until she provided more info.
there was only 4 people in the room{I was expecting a room full of people}
anywho we got up there...the trustee swore us in..asked to state our name and address and then asked what we used our credit cards for{my answer was we used them for things we wanted to buy...vehicle repairs and home repairs} she asked if we had any questions and said we are a no asset case and we will receive our discharge in 60days
then she thanked us and told us good luck...
then as we where walking out the door she said "hold on!"" rut ro!! I almost had a heart attack rite there...then she said "how did you do this?" I asked "do what?" she said "you must of scared wells fargo!" then she showed me a piece of paper saying that I needed to sign it and before I signed I read it and wells fargo cut my car payment in half and also cut my interest rate in half on the car we are reaffirming with them. the trustee said we must of scared the crap out of em cause she has never seen wells fargo do something like that..so not only was the 341 meeting a breeze we also learned some very good news!! now instead of a $300 a month car payment we only have to pay $145 a month!!!{57 months} on a 2006 car!!
there was only 4 people in the room{I was expecting a room full of people}
anywho we got up there...the trustee swore us in..asked to state our name and address and then asked what we used our credit cards for{my answer was we used them for things we wanted to buy...vehicle repairs and home repairs} she asked if we had any questions and said we are a no asset case and we will receive our discharge in 60days

then as we where walking out the door she said "hold on!"" rut ro!! I almost had a heart attack rite there...then she said "how did you do this?" I asked "do what?" she said "you must of scared wells fargo!" then she showed me a piece of paper saying that I needed to sign it and before I signed I read it and wells fargo cut my car payment in half and also cut my interest rate in half on the car we are reaffirming with them. the trustee said we must of scared the crap out of em cause she has never seen wells fargo do something like that..so not only was the 341 meeting a breeze we also learned some very good news!! now instead of a $300 a month car payment we only have to pay $145 a month!!!{57 months} on a 2006 car!!
