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Minny's Problem - Help!

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    Minny you a right, go to court and make the people who made mistakes pay for them. you trusted your lawyer, I would file a complaint with the bar association because he did not do his job. He should be held accountable.
    God bless you and good luck!!


      Am meeting with another lawyer soon to go completely over all my papers.
      The Notice from the Court to sell my home/land distinctly states that I or anyone else has 20 days to object to the Court Order. Yet my lawyer says I cannot file an Objection or Motion. Wonder WHY???? His answer was, you can't - it's going to auction and there's nothing you can do about it.
      Gut feeling (and it's usually right) tells me he's covering all his bases and A**) hoping this case will be over in December. He tries to "hold off" anything I want to file or submit to the Court.
      I've been the perfect "sweet little ole white haired lady" thru all this till it's over.
      After December 3rd I will be turning in the "white haired "B*** from HELL......
      The saying "if momma isn't happy, nobody is happy" is true..... AND "if grandma is not happy, HEADS ROLL"!!!
      I will definitely be putting some heads on the chopping block and I want to see a lot of blood when I do.....
      I've always been told I'm the "devil himself" when I fly mad. I have even scared myself how violent I can be...
      Needless to say, I try to keep my temper under control.


      So much for venting,


      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


        Minny, repeat after me, ***** from Hell, ***** from Hell, ***** from hell! You have EVERY RIGHT to say ***** ***** *****. Every right. God I'm pissed rereading this thread. You are right, your attorney is thinking you are too stupid to follow up on this, that you will simply roll over and take it like the dog he thinks you are (no offense or reference to your girls btw!) I would be filing an objection NOW or sitting in that new lawyer's office until he files a petition. I would definitely try to get that poor excuse for a laywer's license revoked. I would forward everything you have straight to the Bar Association's Office and demand that something be done. *LAST* thing this dirt bag wants is publicity. I'd be hanging his dirty laundry out in the breeze, if you know what I mean?

        And I hear you on Mad Moms, Madder Grammas.


          Minny - I am so sorry you are going through all of are so helpful to so many people on this forum...I am betting on you...let us know how it comes out..good luck..


            UPDATE, UPDATE!!!
            Got a phone call from another good friend of mine. He took a copy of my "case history" and showed it too a wealthy uncle of his (I have met the man several times).
            He sent word that he will be over to look my place over this weekend, negotiate how to do all this (buying back or auction) and that he wouldn't mind investing a little time and money to help a little ole lady until she can buy her home back. My friend said his uncle sure didn't LIKE what they had done to me.
            So he'll be looking around this weekend, MAYBE he can help.
            I have two friends now that are trying their best to help and possible will be 2 at auction to try to buy back. We'll just have to make sure they don't bid against each other!!

            SO, maybe there's a "ray of hope" yet!!!

            I don't want to move, will rent it if I have too! And then try to buy back in 1 year. A finance company told they would handle it in 1 year since I have been discharged 1 year already.

            If one invester can't handle it then maybe the other can!

            My friend said his uncle was very sincere about helping. And for me to come back in and sue all parties involved afterwards for all these problems. He told his nephew to make them PAY ENOUGH - TO PAY MY HOME OFF +PLUS.
            He said I definitely have grounds...

            I do not find the Court at fault (they only know what is presented too them) and basically the Trustee is not at fault (because he gets the same petition papers). But I can go after the Bank, Morgage Company, Title Company and my sorry so-called Lawyer.

            Can I handle another month of this?????
            My nerves are SHOT........... Physically has been very hard on me.... I get up puking, then hyperventilating, then hello bathroom, then asthma attack, sometimes panic attack. Calm down for a while then starts all over again when I get upset. ALL CAUSED FROM STRESS!!!

            I find myself walking in circles and CRS!!

            Yes, I work everyday..... and just keep hanging in there!!

            I'm made of the "GOOD STUFF".... and come from THE OLD SCHOOL!!
            Been doing this day and nite for a year now...

            Hope it ends soon, I'm getting tired!!

            All of you that claim bankruptcy - believe me I understand your feelings, I understand your fears, the uncertainty, the questions, the unknown, the anxiety of waiting it out..... BEEN THERE, DONE IT!!!

            Thank God that 99.9% all all bankruptcies are not like mine!! It would totally "break" an average person... mentally and physically.

            I'm not "packing" anything YET!!! If we can't bid my home back - I'm gonna make them THROW ME OUT.............. and I gotta lotta stuff!!

            Gosh, I got a lot of VENTING going on today.........



            "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

            My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


              Originally posted by Minnymouth
              UPDATE, UPDATE!!!

              Gosh, I got a lot of VENTING going on today.........

              You go ahead and vent! That's what we are here for. An old friend of mine used to say that recovery begins when our thoughts from suicide to homicide!
              Great news on the second investor.
              You are in my prayers, Art


                You are right, the BK courts are not at fault in this situation.

                However, you did mention that one of the people involved is a politician? Politicians don't like their dirty laundry aired. There's been too much secrecy going on here, Minny. You need to expose what is happening, because if your attorney is screwing you, he surely is screwing over another couple, or has screwed over another couple. It's time for some accountability!

                I am so glad you have some peeps willing to back you financially in this situation. I would still like to see whether or not you can file any paper work to contest what is being done. Have you thought about emailing all of this stuff to the trustee? I would still report this to the your state's bar board. This attorney should be held to account for his actions. Our former landlord was a bankruptcy attorney practicing in Oregon and he was stripped of his license because he was pulling shit similar to your attorney. This is the same scum bag who owns several trailer parks along the Columbia River who got fined by the DEQ for dumping raw sewerage into the river.

                Hang in there! We are all rooting for you!


                  Kam, Yes, I will report all of this to the proper people at the proper time.
                  The decision has been made to "wait till auction", buy it back (if at all possible) and then BURN THEIR BUTTS afterwards. Especially after my case is closed.

                  My friends say rather than taking every dime I have and using it trying to get back in court - use it to BURN THEM.

                  Hopefully I will get to stay in my home as a renter for the time being. That's a lot better than NOTHING.....

                  Thanks for the input,


                  "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                  My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                    The new laws make the attorney "accountable" for their actions, for that I am tickled pink!!!! Any of their actions can be questioned!!!

                    No more "take your money, file, and run" attorneys. Will be hard for them to do it...


                    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                      Minny, Just want you to know that I have been following the posts of your story and soooo wish I had something incredibly brilliant to say but all I can think of are words too foul to say here and don't want to offend anyone. SO you are right, it is not the Trustee that needs to be tied up like a Pinata, it's your lawyer!!! Won't you be pleased when all of this ends up on the front page of your local newspaper for all to see how such a wonderful, kind white haired lady was treated!!! AND if you ever are on 20/20 or 60 minutes or something make sure we all know about it.

                      Like many others have stated, we love you and have you in our thoughts and prayers. You are a fighter and I know a survivor but this just makes me so sad. By the way, have you asked a dr. for some antianxiety meds to get you through this? Just a thought as this has got to be taking a toll on your nerves.


                        I take meds for the hyperventilating and if I get lots of rest the anxiety attacks stay calm till I get upset again. Then the asthma kicks in, etc. Roughest time is a night... think about this all nite long in my sleep too...

                        I refuse to take Paxil and all that crap. Half my neighbors are on it and walk around like zombies (not for me - course they don't work a job either).
                        Gotta be alert every day, on the job, shaking or not!! Girls gotta pay the bills!!

                        I'm tough, I'm hanging in there REAL GOOD......


                        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                          UPdate..... Meeting with new attorney on Monday....

                          He will be going over my BK records completely, and will be offering suggestons on how to suit the parties involved.

                          Comes highly recommended!!

                          Will keep you posted.


                          "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                          My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.




                              Hoping and praying to read a very positive report in the near future. Art


                                good luck minnie!
                                Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

                                [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
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