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Question On Selling Assets Pre Filing

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    Question On Selling Assets Pre Filing

    I am doing my bankruptcy with a lawyer with a big branch of offices and they got alot of different people to answer questions about your case.

    I can't get ahold of my own lawyer probaly due to 341 cases he has.

    My own 341 meeting is 9-15-09

    I called and asked about the $600 selling of assets in 2 years....
    I told them I sold about $225 in assets and they said to list it.

    The assests were bobbleheads, cards, and other sports things in the fall of 2008.

    I sold about $100 at a yard sale my work had, and about $125 to my cousin.

    Will the trustree care about it and would this be a satisfiying answer to it...

    My response would be: Well sir you see my aunt died in february of 2008 and keeping those things was just to painful and reminded me of her, and I just needed to sell them cause I was in alot of hurt and pain over her death.

    She was 50 and really the only reason I had the bobbleheads....Also at the time I sold them, I didn't know I was going to file

    Don't worry about the sale of your bobbleheads.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      agreed, don't worry about it


        ok thanks I won't put anything then


          yes x3 to the above. don't worry about it. you probably got cash for them and then spent it anyways. dont worry bout it. good luck at your 341
          9/22/2009 - officially filed chapter 7
          11/03/2009 - scheduled 341 - COMPLETED
          01/04/2010 - last day for objections
          01/11/2010 - DISCHARGED & CLOSED


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