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Please help me with this situation.

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    Please help me with this situation.

    I retained a attorney in August, gave him a retaining fee, I then collected all the info I needed., I was not real thrilled with him when meeting him the first time., but I thought give him a chance. When I went back with my form he required all filled out., copies of all my charge statements for a year., my W-2's 1040's pay stubs etc., etc., I went to day he was the rudest , humiliating me individual, acted completely different than the first time., had figures wrong., couldn't even add right., unbelievable., so I fired him. Well I have an appointment for next friday with another., but he has me so upset., and is making me feel so downgraded., I know I owe 90,000.00 in credit card debt., I have been paying on time till August when they raised the interest rates and could no longer afford the minimum payment., I have know it would come to bankruptcy but I just kept trying to pay., and was doing okay at robbing peter to pay paul., MY income bring home is $2,800.00 a month my bills without the credit cards, just my every day expenses is $2,400.00 a month and that is a low average., I just can't pay them anymore., I was having to charge everything in order to pay them, as I had no money left., two years ago I lent people money with convenience checks., bought friends something they needed., made some real financial mistakes., I am so ashamed., I feel so bad right now., I have no recourse but to file for bankruptcy., He told me that the creditors would show up and question me terribly and the trustee would want to know how I expected to pay this amount and what exactly did I buy., I am so afraid now.
    Please help.

    You did the right thing. Fire him and start interviewing other lawyers.
    Just be sure you time your filing. Put at least 90 days or more between filing and last credit card use.


      There's no excuse for rude behavior, especially whey you're paying. Good job in finding another attorney.
      All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
      Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


        Reading your post it appears to me you are too emotionally involved in this process. I doubt your attorney was trying to degrade you. Some of the questions we have to answer are difficult. Put the past behind you and move forward with a goal of learning from your past mistakes.

        If you took cash advances you need to be able to explain what you did with the funds. If you gave those funds to someone else they owe you that money and the trustee may want to look to them for repayment. Please understand the attorneys are not emotionally involved in your case. If you think the attorney is judging you it probably is a case of you projecting your own judgment onto the attorney.

        Good luck with your new attorney. You will make it through this process.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          Some attorneys are A-holes, good thing you realized that early on. Those usually don't last long in BK practice.
          7-2-2009 Filed
          8-28-09 341 Concluded, no assets
          10-28-09 DISCHARGED/CLOSED!!!!


            Ohio Filer

            I know it sounds like I am emotional and I was as I just got home from the attorneys when I posted the thread. Yes, he was very rude., the first time we went when I retained him he was as nice as could be explaining things etc., etc., this time he was completely contradicting the things he told me originally., one minute he was talking silly and kidding the next minute he was like mean., I mean Mean., He just made me feel so fearful about the 341 meeting., and he just came up with completely different figures., and when I came home and added them up he was wrong., I don't know what was up with him., but I felt How can I go to court with someone like this. I just was so shocked it was like dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde honestly.
            I have an appointment with a new one that several people have had so hopefully this is better., this was a difficult decision., I know I have to explain things., but mainly all my convenience checks were written to transfer balances to a lower interest rate there was a few that were written to others for loans etc., but that was well over a year ago.


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