Hey folks-
I've searched all threads on judgements but am no closer to an answer. I just filed a no-asset Ch. 7 in Florida last month (Pro Se), 341 on Nov. 23. I have a default judgement against me for an unsecured credit card debt ($9k) that was awarded about a month before I filed Ch. 7 . I included the original creditor and the collection agency who won the judgement, but I don't know how to include the judgement itself in the bankruptcy (what documents to file, etc.). As far as I know, the creditor has not secured a lein (no assets anyway) or attached to my checking account (never more than $150) or contacted my employer to garnish wages. Do I have to do anything since there are no leins and the debt will be discharged? Can they still go after my wages? If I still have to formally include it to have it discharged, what forms do I have to file? HELP!
Thanks so much in advance to anyone who can offer ANY advice.
I've searched all threads on judgements but am no closer to an answer. I just filed a no-asset Ch. 7 in Florida last month (Pro Se), 341 on Nov. 23. I have a default judgement against me for an unsecured credit card debt ($9k) that was awarded about a month before I filed Ch. 7 . I included the original creditor and the collection agency who won the judgement, but I don't know how to include the judgement itself in the bankruptcy (what documents to file, etc.). As far as I know, the creditor has not secured a lein (no assets anyway) or attached to my checking account (never more than $150) or contacted my employer to garnish wages. Do I have to do anything since there are no leins and the debt will be discharged? Can they still go after my wages? If I still have to formally include it to have it discharged, what forms do I have to file? HELP!
