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I filed prior to the new law (Oct. 12th. filing). Is there anyone out there who did this also and is from Nevada who has gone thru the 341 meeting and can clue me in on some of the questions or procedures followed at the meeting???
My 341 meeting is set for Dec. 7th. (of all days!!). Iam in Las Vegas, so it's downtown. Thanks for the replies, and thanks for offering to let me know what they ask and how it goes. I will be watching for your response.
I have gleemed some good information on this subject on this forum. However, as for the actual meeting itself, there seems to be little to no set procedure followed. I will be going on my own so it is a little nerve racking to say the least.
I'm also in Las Vegas. My 341 is December 9 so I too will be checking back to see how it went for others here locally. I was pretty unconcerned about the meeting after talking with family from Ohio who have filed (some recently and some years ago) but now after reading some of the posts on this site I am getting a bit nervous.