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Going to court with kid in tow

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    Going to court with kid in tow

    I have to go to BK court in two weeks. We live over two hours away from the courthouse and we have to be there at 8:30am. My son is two years old and I don't have anyone to look after him.

    None of our family lives remotely near. Does anyone know if courthouses have day care facilities that can look after him during the time we are in court, or do people brings kids with them? At our 341 kids were not allowed.

    If they weren't allowed at your 341, I'd think they'd not be allowed at any other BK proceedings.
    Filed 5/29/09
    Discharged 9/14/09


      Originally posted by brokerealest View Post
      I have to go to BK court in two weeks. We live over two hours away from the courthouse and we have to be there at 8:30am. My son is two years old and I don't have anyone to look after him.
      It's very hard when you don't have ready access to child care, no matter what the cause. Since you've already had your 341, why do you have to return to court? Was your 341 continued?

      Most courts frown on children being present during any court proceedings. They can be quite disruptive, especially a two-year old who can't possibly understand what's going on and will want to wander or get fussy. What are you going to do it yours can't sit quietly for the entire time you need to be under oath answering questions?

      Let's think about some child care alternatives.

      Do you have friends, neighbors, etc. who could watch your son for the day?

      We've had some very lively forum discussions about this exact problem before - have you done a search to find those? There are some excellent suggestions about potential ways to resolve this and yet still provide your son with a safe place to stay while you have to be in court.

      Several other ways to find childcare - see if your area has a babysitting exchange or coop set up and join that. Another option is to see if a church in your area has 'drop-in daycare' or can provide a reliable sitter for you.

      Last resort - there actually are babysitting services available in the Yellow Pages that are certified and bonded. If you live in a more rural area, then this may not be practical, but it can't hurt to look into it.

      Does anyone know if courthouses have day care facilities that can look after him during the time we are in court, ...
      VERY unlikely, but you can call the local court and ask.

      ...or do people brings kids with them? At our 341 kids were not allowed.
      You really need to do everything possible to not bring your son along to court. And after investigating all the alternatives, you truly have no safe option to choose, then you'll just have to do what you have to do, and accept any consequences that may result.
      I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

      06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
      06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
      07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
      10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
      01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
      09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
      06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
      08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

      10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
      Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


        I agree with lrprn.
        It would be much better if you did not bring your son to work.

        Do you have a preschool PTA/PTU in your school district?
        Have you informed your atty of the need to bring him?

        Maybe someone in the office uses a sitter near by the court that would be willing to watch him for that morning/day. Maybe the atty office would be willing to have the child there while you're at court (but I really doubt that one)

        I know Domestic Court really does frown on children being at court. It is felt that court is a place for adults. (Unless a child has to be there for a specific reason.)

        Good luck on the sitter issue I hope all works out.


          Thank you all. The big problem is the time. If we had an afternoon time getting a sitter would be no problem. We would need to have someone at our house before 6am. I like the idea of trying something closer to the courthouse. I will call around.

          We are going to court on a abuse charge. Wish us luck!


            What about a YMCA/YWCA? I know they offer hourly drop off child care where we live. You would have to register your child before hand tho so just keep that in mind.

            I know what it's like to have no family to help out. Luckily my two teens were out of school when we had our 341 and were able to watch our 3 yr old for us. Otherwise I dunno what I would have done

            Good luck to you
            Filed 8/2009
            Discharged & Closed 11/2009
            Now the rebuilding begins....


              Where I went, I don't think they would allow you to bring children. They checked ID and everything for everyone.


                I have the same problem with my 7 year old. She is older than yours, but the childcare issue is always present. Let me restate that, affordable childcare is always an issue. Yes, there is a church down the way that will take drop-ins, but I have to plan waaay in advance to use them ($35 plus $5 transportation from school for pick-up is steep. There's a reason I am filing bankruptcy!) We don't have family in the area and my friends generally work when I need help. So, we have a babysitter and a back-up sitter. Things always come up though and there's that meeting I have to attend, and no childcare.

                My advice to you since you do know in advance, is to find a licensed provider in a church or YMCA. There should be one close to your court where you wouldn't have to leave your child for very long. I have resorted to doing that when I am desperate. Not fun. Good luck!


                  Since it is early and you'd have to have someone come before 6am. Could you work out a sleepover with a close friend who in turn you could return the favor for when they would like a night and morning alone? Just a thought. good luck to ya.


                    Originally posted by brokerealest View Post
                    I have to go to BK court in two weeks. We live over two hours away from the courthouse and we have to be there at 8:30am. My son is two years old and I don't have anyone to look after him.

                    None of our family lives remotely near. Does anyone know if courthouses have day care facilities that can look after him during the time we are in court, or do people brings kids with them? At our 341 kids were not allowed.
                    don't bring your child with you to court. Seriously. There are plenty of babysitters and daycares that can watch your child. Call around and get him in there- don't bring a 2 year old to court. Can you 2 year old behave for hours without being disruptive? Because most can't. It will not be looked upon favorably by the judge/trustee.
                    Filed Pro Se: 10/16/2009
                    341 Scheduled: 11/23/2009
                    Last Day for Objections: 1/22/2010
                    Discharged: 1/28/2010


                      I would think there is someone nearby who can help. I don't think dropping a kid off at 6 am is a big deal for a friend. Is the real reason you are afraid of having to explain the need for the help? If so, make up some story about going to a certain hospital for a certain test (that eventually comes back negative!).
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        I can totally sympathize with this situation. We have two little ones. One is 17 mo and the other is 3 mo old. My mother is elderly and on dialysis and very feeble. My brother holds babies like they are radioactive. This is the only family we have in town since my wife's family lives 4 states away, and we have no friends that are close enough that we trust to take care of them. We did find a local daycare that has a daily drop off service. You just have to have proof of booster shots and fill out a form. I think it cost 10 dollars an hour per child or 55 dollars for the whole day. There may be some day cares in that area you could use that offer the same type of service.


                          At my 341, there was a woman with 2 children and she was about 8 months pregnant! She was the only one that brought children, honestly, I don't know what happened to them once we got in the room because at that point no one noticed the kids (they must have been well behaved, I don't remember looking their way).

                          If you CAN'T find childcare, do what you have to do~
                          May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
                          May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
                          May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
                          9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


                            Originally posted by liz417 View Post

                            If you CAN'T find childcare, do what you have to do~
                            Yep. Worst case seems that a continuance is given.
                            No Asset 7 closed 11/09


                              My lawyer brought his neice to the 341. she was well behaved and the trustee asked him if she was his assistant!


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