day 60 has passed and not a peep from ANYbody!!!!
i was so nervous all day, but vowed not to check pacer until 4:31, because in my district the deadline for filing an objection would have been 4:30 today.
threw vow out the window, checked pacer around noon. nothing was filed (date of last filing did not change). yay! that left 4.5 hours. 2:30pm i check again, nothing. 2 hours left. did you know how long 2 hours last? VERY long! so i started posting incessantly on this forum, trying to keep my mind off things (yeah, right). 3:00pm i prevent myself from checking. ok, 3:30pm checked again - nothing. 1 hour left. did you know that 1 hour feels longer than 2 hours??? ok, continued posting more here, even managed to LOL from some funny posts (that was absolutely necessary, my body was getting SO tense). 4pm, checked again, nothing. at this point i started smiling to myself, but secretly - don't want to jinx it! 4:15pm I check, nothing. finally, 4:31pm I check, nothing!!
i was overjoyed. clicked on docket report so I can save it as of 4:31pm as proof that at this point in time nothing was filed - it records the time of day on the pacer receipt. so i look at the pacer receipt, which says 4:19pm. WHAT the heck? the pacer computer is 11 minutes behind!!!
the next 11 minutes were not quite as long, but still took a while. finally i got the docket sheet at 4:44pm which was 4:32pm pacer time.
then it took me another hour, after jumping up and down and running around in excitement, to cool off enough to write this post
i was so nervous all day, but vowed not to check pacer until 4:31, because in my district the deadline for filing an objection would have been 4:30 today.
threw vow out the window, checked pacer around noon. nothing was filed (date of last filing did not change). yay! that left 4.5 hours. 2:30pm i check again, nothing. 2 hours left. did you know how long 2 hours last? VERY long! so i started posting incessantly on this forum, trying to keep my mind off things (yeah, right). 3:00pm i prevent myself from checking. ok, 3:30pm checked again - nothing. 1 hour left. did you know that 1 hour feels longer than 2 hours??? ok, continued posting more here, even managed to LOL from some funny posts (that was absolutely necessary, my body was getting SO tense). 4pm, checked again, nothing. at this point i started smiling to myself, but secretly - don't want to jinx it! 4:15pm I check, nothing. finally, 4:31pm I check, nothing!!
i was overjoyed. clicked on docket report so I can save it as of 4:31pm as proof that at this point in time nothing was filed - it records the time of day on the pacer receipt. so i look at the pacer receipt, which says 4:19pm. WHAT the heck? the pacer computer is 11 minutes behind!!!
the next 11 minutes were not quite as long, but still took a while. finally i got the docket sheet at 4:44pm which was 4:32pm pacer time.
then it took me another hour, after jumping up and down and running around in excitement, to cool off enough to write this post