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Hi I'm back

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    Hi I'm back

    Hi all:

    I posted several months ago with issues with our C7. Thanks to Help, jessegirl, and others who responded with support and helpful insight.

    If you recall our case involved my father whose lawyer showed up at our 341 and caused us grief that led the UST in filing a 707 "presumption of abuse". At the UST advice, we dismissed, redid our paperwork, and refiled. We had our 341 last week and of course my dad's lawyer was again there to question our schedule J, which had a lot of mistakes on it. Unfortunatley I did not receive that document to review before our 341 or I would have caught the errors. He also would not allow some of our expenses again, ugh! The trustee ajourned the meeting and told us to correct the means test and schedule J and supply some more documentation, boo-hoo.

    Today I got a letter from our lawyer (who I have an appt. with on Wed.) asking for the documents requested by the trustee but the letter also said to keep in mind we can always go C13! After all this?! Our lawyer was the one that was so gung-ho about dismissing and going C7 again! I also lost my job and can't imagine how we can fund a C13. I think our lawyer is thinking that when he amends the B22 and sch. J that we are going to have disposable income, but that is just a guess.

    Any advice? I can provide most of documentation that the trustee is requesting except for all the medical receipts. Nice to be back. Hope everyone is doing well. I hope I won't be sitting in the C13 forum anytime soon.

    Wow, sorry to hear you're having trouble again! For the medical receipts, you should be able to contact every medical provider and pharmacy for print-outs of expenses during the specified time period I would think. I would say make the corrections and provide the documentation and see where it goes, just keep in the back of your mind that a 13 would be better than paying all the debts with the jacked up interest rates! Good luck to you, let us know how it goes.
    BKForum Blog: The Journey



      Sounds like you might should find a different (better) attorney.
      All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
      Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


        All schedules should be reviewed before you sign your petition.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          Thanks for your responses. I reviewed the B22 but not sch I & J thinking that they were the same as the first time we filed. I didn't expect to get questioned about them; a lesson learned too late.

          Now it is time to strategize. Can't afford a new lawyer right now. Hubby gets bonus in Oct. and our tax return in Jan. I think I will just turn over what we have and then try to drag this thing out until Jan., if possible. We probably end up in a 13 but at least we'll have some money to sustain us if that happens. Does that sound feasable?

          Thanks again for your responses.


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