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One year later

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    One year later

    I probably should post this under smart financial insights, but it doesn't get read as much, so I figured that I would put it here.

    One year ago this week, I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. It definitely was not the proudest moment of my life, but it was something that I had to do. I have always been a person of "live by my word," but my word here had obviously exceeded my ability.

    I have watched many people come and go on here. Some, I know will make the fresh start, and do it right from here. I can see it in their attitudes, and in the way that they are moving on. Others, I know will end up in the same spot that they were in before. That is truly too bad, as it does not have to be that way.

    In the last year, I have NOT applied for a secured credit card, applied for Captial One (although I have gotten many pre-approved offers from them), taken the insane credit card offers giving you a $300 limit with $200 in fees. I have not financed a vehicle. I have checked my credit score once, but it was mainly a curiosity thing. In other words, I have gone on for the year without worrying about my credit score. After all, what is a credit score for, except to spend money that you don't have?

    There is life after bankruptcy. It may be different, but that life is probably going back to the way that it should be anyway. It is very liberating to be able to pay for what you have. Yes, maybe I miss "stuff" sometimes, but if you do not conquer the attitude of "stuff," you will never move past what got you hear in the first place. I know, some have illnesses that caused bankruptcy, and I am not talking about that here.

    Use this as your one chance at a "reset button." If you can't pay your bills without credit, something is wrong that needs to be fixed.

    I don't intend to be judgmental here, because I have been in the same spot. I do want to give hope. And not the kind of "hope" that some of our government leaders are trying to give. But the hope that comes from the fact that you can move on with life, and make it what you can make it on your own. You are free to pursue happiness, and make good decisions. How much more hope do you need?

    There is so much more that I could say here, but I am going to go on on this nice summer day and "pursue happiness." Please be inspired to know that there is a different way, and that you can go on in it, and that you don't need a FICO score, or to spend hours trying to figure out how to improve it or manipulate it. I bet Mr. Isaac or Mr. Fair must be laughing their heads off (if they are still alive) at how much control a three digit number that they invented has over most people, and how they will change entire behaviors to try to manipulate it, when nobody really knows exactly how it is calculated!

    Make good decisions, in life and financially, and everything else will follow.

    Filed 8/08 - Discharged 11/08! Not tracking FICO.
    Pre-Bankruptcy Net Worth: -$72,000... Today's net worth: $142,000.
    If your FICO score just went higher than your net worth, and you are happy about this, you might have a financial problem!


    A wonderful post "Never Again". I agree and have practiced your theory and stuff is only stuff when new, it is junk when paid on credit. 'Hub
    Last edited by AngelinaCatHub; 08-16-2009, 05:55 AM.
    If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


      What an inspiring post! I hope a year out from this mess that I have learned to live a simpler life and have found a way to accept myself and be happy and grateful while finding a way to give back to others.

      I lived in a gilded cage full of shiny objects for the ten years leading up to this bankruptcy, and letting it all go has given me a sense of peace that I didn't know could exist. (even though I am still scared from time to time, and I am beating myself up a bit as I go through this process)

      Having to change my lifestyle is making me truly examine what I really want out of life, and its embarrassing to realize I never asked myself the fundamental questions before like: "who am I?" or "what do I believe in?". I am doing that now. And even if the bankruptcy "police" carted every possession out of my apartment, I would still feel like I was coming out ahead because I am getting in touch with my values and my inner self again.
      You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under


        Originally posted by backtoschool View Post
        What an inspiring post! I hope a year out from this mess that I have learned to live a simpler life and have found a way to accept myself and be happy and grateful while finding a way to give back to others.

        I lived in a gilded cage full of shiny objects for the ten years leading up to this bankruptcy, and letting it all go has given me a sense of peace that I didn't know could exist. (even though I am still scared from time to time, and I am beating myself up a bit as I go through this process)

        Having to change my lifestyle is making me truly examine what I really want out of life, and its embarrassing to realize I never asked myself the fundamental questions before like: "who am I?" or "what do I believe in?". I am doing that now. And even if the bankruptcy "police" carted every possession out of my apartment, I would still feel like I was coming out ahead because I am getting in touch with my values and my inner self again.
        Clap, Clap, Clap, again, "backtoschool". Your story is very good as well. I can't really say things this well, but I know that Mrs. C. and I are much happier now, owing no one. We lost a lot of things, but we have each other, our health is pretty good, and our values too have changed. I am not under any servitude to any person or company. This I call freedom. 'Hub

        Edit: And, the stress level is vastly reduced, and I never knew a rose smelled so pretty.
        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


          We filed in 2/02, discharged 8/06 and I am still on here mainly to ensure people get good information/insight (as you have provided) since at the time we filed, most forums were filled with trolls giving out wrong information and belittling anyone who was looking to file. This forum was not in existance at the time we filed. We made major mistakes prior to filing which could have been prevented if it were or I did further investigating above and beyond the emotions/denial.

          What we have done since discharge is to ensure that if something occurs as to an income loss again that we will not be in a position to have to file. We save more, are careful as to what we buy and do not impulse buy anymore. We have learned to enjoy things more that way and not have to worry about how we are going to pay for them or keep up with the guy driving the Lexus at work (who is in debt up to his eyeballs) or the Jones's down the street with the shiney new gizmo that everyone wants and is dying to have and will go into debt to obtain. Not us anymore...most folks after filing lose having to be materialistic. However, many go back to the old credit ways and find themselves in the same place a few years later and have to refile.
          Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
          Early Buy-Out: April 2006
          Discharge: August 2006

          "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


            GREAT POST... Its funny when I listen to my mom talk & people around her age of "80" there life was so different from ours. There was no credit avail...You only got things if u had the money to pay for them. Today we live in the got have it and right now is too late.. I made a promise to myself and it is if I can get out of this financial nightmare I created I will never again have a credit card and will only get the things I "want" after I have saved for it.... Yes, it will be an adjustment and I am sure it will be dissapointing but the feeling of NO DEBT will far exceed the pleasure of that item...
            Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
            Chapter 13 filed 10-21-09
            Discharged 4-13-15


              Good stuff. My thoughts exactly.


                Thank you for this post!


                  Thank you for taking the time to let us know how great your life is one year after filing Bankruptcy. It gives hope to those of us who haven't filed yet or those who are going through the process of bankruptcy.

                  Although we have not filed due to several factors, we quit charging on our credit cards last August. So we have lived almost a year on a cash basis only. Will admit the first couple of months were the hardest, BUT we made it by sticking to our budget.

                  Although both dh and I have medical insurance, we seem to have major medical crisis one after another since 3/05 and have spent at least $75,000 in deductibles, co-insurance, co-pays and prescriptions. It's all documented on our tax returns. We just pray with new doctors this will decrease next year.

                  Again, thanks for a wonderful post about your life after bankruptcy.



                    Great posts. I too have no desire in new credit or scores, or buying stuff just because. It definitely was an adjustment to going cash only, first it was necessity( cards were locked :-( but now it's out of choice. I've been cash only since Mar. 08, and now I am stress-free and free from the shackles of debt.


                      Originally posted by 67caprice427 View Post
                      Great posts. I too have no desire in new credit or scores, or buying stuff just because. It definitely was an adjustment to going cash only, first it was necessity( cards were locked :-( but now it's out of choice. I've been cash only since Mar. 08, and now I am stress-free and free from the shackles of debt.
                      Only two posts, but we all see that the lookers do benefit too. Thank you for your story. You if anyone have made my day. 'Hub

                      P.S. Inclusive of other fine posts today.
                      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                        Another "thank you" from me!
                        filed chapter 7 BK 4/27/09
                        341 meeting 6/4/09
                        DISCHARGED!!! 8/5/09


                          Congratulations Never_Again! Have a good journey...

                          Sounds like you have taken the BK to heart. I agree with your sentiment exactly:

                          There is life after bankruptcy. It may be different, but that life is probably going back to the way that it should be anyway. It is very liberating to be able to pay for what you have. Yes, maybe I miss "stuff" sometimes, but if you do not conquer the attitude of "stuff," you will never move past what got you hear in the first place.

                          It's amazing how good we feel once we let go of the 'stuff'!
                          Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                          Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                          I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                            Great post! I look to be wearing those same shoes a year from now.
                            All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                            Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                              Thanks for this post. I filed 7/17. Most cards were maxed and the ones that weren't I'm guessing are closed now. It's been hard to not fall back on credit for the first time in my life. I've proven I can do it. It's only been 1 month but I'm stretching every penny, doing without until payday. It's amazing how long you can make household items last when you can't replenish any time. And in 1 short month I can feel how living without "stuff" is no stress compared to the debt looming over your head day in and day out like an anvil ready to drop.

                              The blessing of this bad economy is that people are rethinking how they spend and how they live.


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