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Poa/filing for mom

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    One of my friends said I should fill out a HOMESTEAD form, in case any of the creditors come after my mobilehome. My home is nice, but its a 72 doublewide and would most likely sell currently for about 40,000 if that. I just want to cover all the bases. From what I read is that if my mom is over 65 and disabled(which she is) she also only makes 14,000 a year and I am on Perm disability(800$ month) that the homestead value would be around 125,000 where is if thats the case, I am sure a creditor qwouldn't even bother, since the any lender gets thier share 1st, then us, then whats ever left goe to the creditor.


      Get that homestead declaration filed now.

      That should protect it from creditors, and should probably be filed anyways if you're considering BK.

      It should be very easy to file, and you want it filed before any judgments are entered and they try and lien against the property.


        I just called the county assessors office and they do HOMESTEADING. I am picking up a form this afternoon and the local office supply. Very interesting, I got a call early this morning from my moms discover card people. Now let it be known, I contacted ALL of them at least 5 times, and sent them ALL a 15 page DPOA, so everyone knows. She asked to speak to my mother...I asked who they were...we have business with (my mom) and once again I ask who they are...they finally say Discover. I'm sorry but I went a little WHACK(I am under so much stress & emotions right now dealing with the fact I TOLD my mom to have the surgery, that almost killed her.....aand I told her everything would be alright & not to worry, she would be fine) its horrible feeling so responsible!. I really read this person the riot act, letting her know I WOULD NEVER MAKE SOMETHING THAT HORRIBLE UP~ Concerning my mother and they have the DPOA etc....I think she felt bad..I told her sorry my moms on SS and she has to pay out 700$ for her share of cost for medi-cal and there is no money.....she was very nice, she said she would make a note...and take the phone number off of their calling list. I still think at some point I will have to change my phone number.....


          Just an update. Went to a bK lawyer today about filing a BK for my mom..and he basically said what u guys can be done, even with me as the DPOA, however he told me he wouldn't even bother since my mother is on S/S and has NO assets, they basically cannot do anything. The mobilehome is homesteaded, but he also said because my name is also listed as owner, they couldn't touch if......they wouldn't want it anyway. Was kind of odd...out of all the BK lawyers....I ended up seeing the one who did mine in the 90's.......this forum is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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