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When does your 60 days start?

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    One couple at my 341 had two well behaved children (4-6 yrs) and they both sat at the table with their parents. The TT even greeted them warmly so you sould not have any worry over that issue. The TT understands that people have problems otherwise they wouldn't be there. NO CELL PHONES!
    There is no security check in Orlando. Stop worrying and you do just fine.
    Filed Ch7 5/28/09 (Pro Se) Orlando, 341 7/01, UST selected case for audit 7/01, Last day for objection 8/31. Audit report filed 9/10, no material misstatements. Discharged and closed 9/22/2009


      Thank you for replaying to my post Whip! It means a lot!


        Originally posted by stone4 View Post
        Does your 60 days start after your 341 or after you finish the last debtor class? Do weekends count as days towards your 60 days?
        thanks for your time.
        I would say it starts at your 341 date. My records show file date 7/09, 341 date 8/09, last date for objections to discharge 10/09.


          Originally posted by aljohnson007 View Post
          One couple at my 341 had two well behaved children (4-6 yrs) and they both sat at the table with their parents. The TT even greeted them warmly so you sould not have any worry over that issue. The TT understands that people have problems otherwise they wouldn't be there. NO CELL PHONES!
          There is no security check in Orlando. Stop worrying and you do just fine.
          easier said then done.. But thank you !
          Filed on 7-17-09
          waiting for 341
          341 meeting 8-21-09
          discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


            Originally posted by tinfoilhat View Post
            I would say it starts at your 341 date. My records show file date 7/09, 341 date 8/09, last date for objections to discharge 10/09.
            hiya Tin.. Haven't seen you post in a while, how have you been ? Glad you found a lawyer and filed
            Filed on 7-17-09
            waiting for 341
            341 meeting 8-21-09
            discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


              We had our 341 in Orlando 88 days ago. My lawyer says there are no updates yet to discharge/closing. *still waiting*


                children ok, but NO cell phones or electronics in Ft. Myers, (Florida Middle District)
                Ch.7 filed 4/8/09
                341 5/19/09
                Ch.7 DISCHARGED 8/9/09!


                  Originally posted by flnybk View Post
                  We had our 341 in Orlando 88 days ago. My lawyer says there are no updates yet to discharge/closing. *still waiting*
                  88 days and no discharge yet ?? Are they that backed up ??? please let me know when you finaly get done with all of this... ah great more suff to worry about
                  Filed on 7-17-09
                  waiting for 341
                  341 meeting 8-21-09
                  discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                    I had my 341 in Orlando on 7/21/09. The trustee was extremely nice. My situation is the same as yours and my 341 meeting lasted 2-3 minutes tops. I was pretty freaked out when I got there but once I went in the room and watched a few other people's meetings I wasn't so worried anymore. If anything it was entertaining. My attorney and I sat there and made fun of the other attorneys who did not "have their act together" as the trustee started to get really ticked. As long as your atty has dotted the i's and crossed the t's then you will have no problem.
                    Chapter 7 filed - 6/12/09
                    341 Meeting - 7/21/09
                    Case Closed - 10/13/09


                      discharged 8/11/09 at day 91 . now waiting to close....


                        Day 91 huh? I am a little discouraged now.......
                        Chapter 7 filed - 6/12/09
                        341 Meeting - 7/21/09
                        Case Closed - 10/13/09


                          Yes me too.. Why so long ??
                          Filed on 7-17-09
                          waiting for 341
                          341 meeting 8-21-09
                          discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                            Originally posted by RainMoM View Post
                            Yes me too.. Why so long ??
                            That is just how long it takes right now. We had no problems. No objections. 341 took all of 5 seconds. Simple case. Still have to wait for it to close. They are just flooded with cases right now.


                              Hubby and i went to see our attorney today to pick up some paper work, I forgot to ask him how long will it take for us to get dischared, I did however find the building where our 341 meeting will take place, 4 days and counting
                              Filed on 7-17-09
                              waiting for 341
                              341 meeting 8-21-09
                              discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                                good luck rainmom, you'll be just fine. try to think about everything but the 341 for the next few days! i managed that by oversleeping (and thankfully, i did not dream about it )
                                filed ch7 May 09
                                341 june 09
                                discharged, closed Aug 09


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