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What to say when the calls start coming . . .

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    What to say when the calls start coming . . .

    I stopped paying all cards last month. Will file BK in about 6 months.

    How do I handle the calls?
    What should I say?

    Should I say something like:
    "I'm working on getting a better job and hope to be sending something soon".

    If they asked me questions, should I answer them?


    What I'd do is set up a answering machine.

    Make sure the message clearly identifies you.

    Then let it pick up all calls. Check them at end of day and call back friends/family others you want to. Then about once a month call back each of the creditors, let them do their spill, tell them your sorry but you don't have anything to give them. Don't let them talk you into any payment though or agree to make any. In the past I'd say not even call em and ignore them but some are getting more aggressive so some contact might delay any legal action long enough for you to file.
    May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
    July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
    September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


      They will start calling you at work, or even start calling family members (especially if you used them as a reference on a loan application). Once the accounts go to collection agencies, the calls will come more frequently.

      If you can retain a lawyer, she would most likely tell you to refer all calls to her office.

      I held creditors off 4 months by referring them to my lawyer.


        Agree with the answering machine strategy and don't pay or promise to pay anything. Just wait until you get a written demand and then at the end of 30days, send the following sample letter. It will buy you some time.

        February 27, 2009

        4850 Street Rd., Suite 300
        Trevose, PA 19053

        Re: Account Number 9290309

        This is in response to your correspondence dated February 6, 2009 regarding the above referenced account.

        Your demand for payment in the amount of $00000.00 is disputed and I hereby request that you provide the following:

        - A detailed accounting of how the amount claimed was determined.

        - A copy of each and every charge that validates the amount claimed to include the signature of the person initiating the charge.

        Upon receipt of this data, I will investigate and advise you accordingly. Additionally, I hereby request that you do not call my home or mobile cell phone and that any and all communications regarding this matter be conducted in writing.

        Thank you.
        Filed Ch7 5/28/09 (Pro Se) Orlando, 341 7/01, UST selected case for audit 7/01, Last day for objection 8/31. Audit report filed 9/10, no material misstatements. Discharged and closed 9/22/2009


          I turned the phones off. Then we didn't hear them. Citibank, BofA and Chase were relentless from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The few that called my work, I just would pick up and say this is my office, you can call my home phone and remove this number from your list. Period. I did not engage in any conversation.
          Filed Chapter 7: 7/3/09
          341 Hearing: 8/6/09 - Went Smoothly!
          Discharged: 11/30/2009
          Closed: 12/16/2009


            Thanks all, . . great advice

            But if I answer the calls and follow JR"s advice:
            "tell them your sorry but you don't have anything to give them. Don't let them talk you into any payment though or agree to make any"

            Will they call less? Or maybe I should just do that for the first 2 or 3 months?
            I'm not working right now so no work phone.


              We averaged 30 calls a day.

              Luckily I have a VOIP phone service so I was able to setup rules to only accept certain calls and diverted the rest to voicemail.
              My comments are solely based on my opinion. The information and links that I have
              posted are provided solely for informational purposes, and do not constitute legal advice


                I think a lot of the collectors only get paid when they collect, so they will try to push ANY buttons they can to get you to pay... Call you names, try to make you feel bad about yourself for not being able to pay... Anything to make you emotional enough where you WILL pay.

                I did the answering machine route. The part that made it bad was when we had someone over, and looked at caller ID and put the phone down and let answering machine get it. People tend to look at you weird when you don't answer!

                One piece of advice if you do talk with them, is don't let them paint you into a corner. There was one lady that was TRYING to get me to say I was "refusing" to pay them. I kept repeating "I'm sorry, but I am unable to pay you at this time." She was a broken record. Apparently saying "I refuse to pay you" gives them some power. I decided to have fun, and just did the broken record back of "unable...". After about 10 minutes of this, she hung up on me! That was a fun phone call! :-)
                341 September 2, 2009 (5 minutes)
                Last day to object: November 2, 2009
                Discharged: November 3, 2009
                Closed: December 2, 2009! I'm done!!!!


                  I would avoid them at any cost. Even though you just spoke to them yesterday, many will call again and again.

                  Depending on the state you live in, I always stated that "even tough I'm not required by law, I just want to advise you that I am recording this call". This usually changes their tone. I would also ask them to repeat their name and the company they were calling from or representing.
                  My comments are solely based on my opinion. The information and links that I have
                  posted are provided solely for informational purposes, and do not constitute legal advice


                    I stopped paying this month, I did make a couple very small minimum payments to a couple cards I had to use the other day.

                    The 2 biggest ones I am not paying anymore, on advice of my attorney, and the fact I dont have the $1200 a month to pay them.

                    I hope to file towards the end of September or first part of October, so maybe things wont get to ugly around here for a month or two.

                    Best of luck to you.


                      Originally posted by 2manybills View Post
                      I turned the phones off. Then we didn't hear them. Citibank, BofA and Chase were relentless from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The few that called my work, I just would pick up and say this is my office, you can call my home phone and remove this number from your list. Period. I did not engage in any conversation.

                      How long after you missed your first payment with citi and boa did it take them to start calling you?


                        I went out and bought an answering machine. Stated my full name on the outgoing message. Turned the ringer off. And didn't answer my phone for 2 months. (Caller ID is great!) Once I retained a lawyer and gave them his info...they never called back.

                        Two of my creditors had my work number. But I'd just tell them.."No, nothing has change. I'll call you when it does. Thank You" and hang up. I was never on the phone with them more than 30 sec. Duh! I was at work...

                        Chase called my parents who live 600 miles away. For some reason Chase didn't have my current phone number so they called my parents. (Sorry Mom)

                        So, yeah, they will call. But do what feels right for you. Everybody has their own way of dealing with the cc companies. I chose the "Ignore them until I have a lawyer" method. Which worked out fine for me. I'm now into my 5th month. I file next week...finally!

                        Good luck!
                        Stopped paying CC...April 2009
                        Filed CH 7 no-asset...Aug. 19, 2009
                        341 meeting...Sept. 22, 2009
                        DISCHARGED Nov. 24, 2009 CLOSED Dec. 9, 2009


                          Like a week after. By the time we hit 30 to 45 days late, I started receiving letters stating they would settle. Citi was willing to take off 33 cents on the dollar at 45 days. Made me crazy at first because they wouldn't lower interest when I called. Especially BofA, they were the worst about wanting to negotiate after they wouldn't do anything on the phone for months.
                          Filed Chapter 7: 7/3/09
                          341 Hearing: 8/6/09 - Went Smoothly!
                          Discharged: 11/30/2009
                          Closed: 12/16/2009


                            Best thing I did was to just change my phone number to an unlisted number the day we decided to stop paying bills. Never got a call...not one. My parents were bugged by one collections guy maybe 3 times and then he stopped calling them. It really kept the heat from being turned up on us and helped our mental outlook more than I can express here. Over all....this has been a fairly painless process. Don't lie to yourself, but be kind to yourself as well.

                            Good luck!


                              [QUOTE=Over all....this has been a fairly painless process. Don't lie to yourself, but be kind to yourself as well.

                              Good luck![/QUOTE]

                              I agree! I think we only had 3 calls at work total and that was it until we filed. In all honesty, it was a relief to not juggle money and try to figure out how to rob from peter to pay paul anymore. Hope my 341 is as painless tomorrow!
                              Filed Chapter 7: 7/3/09
                              341 Hearing: 8/6/09 - Went Smoothly!
                              Discharged: 11/30/2009
                              Closed: 12/16/2009


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