We changed our Chapter 7 BK to say that we are surrendering our truck becase our credit union wouldn't work with us on the payment and we are way underwater. We have now officially missed one payment.
Surprisingly....our attorney has said nothing about surrendering the vehicle, can we just wait until the bank comes to get it? Or do we HAVE to drop it off at the bank?
I know, I know...you will say this is a question for my attorney, but she hasn't addressed it in all the conversations we have had. Anyone have a clue how this works?
Post 341 hearing, 30 days until discharge!!!
Surprisingly....our attorney has said nothing about surrendering the vehicle, can we just wait until the bank comes to get it? Or do we HAVE to drop it off at the bank?
I know, I know...you will say this is a question for my attorney, but she hasn't addressed it in all the conversations we have had. Anyone have a clue how this works?

Post 341 hearing, 30 days until discharge!!!