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Yes, and unfortunately it's been horrible. First attorney filed Chapter 13. Long story short Trustee kept raising our monthly payments and found out thru Pacer erroneous documents were being filed. Fired our attorney, didn't know you cannot do that and ended up in court in front of the Federal Judge. Won the first round, got the attorney fired and then couldn't find another attorney to correct the case. Got our $3800 back ordered by the Judge. Case ended up being dismissed w/o predjudice.
Husband then lost job in 12/08, hired new attorney, paid 2 grand. Filed as a Chapter 7, 341 went fine. On the 10th day the US Trustee's office filed Presumed Abuse. Now we had to submit 320 additional pages of documents. On the 30th day when I thought we were going to be in the clear, they filed a 30 day extension till the end of August.
I'm sorry to say but this entire process which started almost 3 years ago with us has been a absolute nightmare. My attorney told us why these new bankruptcy laws and Means tests do not take into special considerations. Medical bills, health and job loss don't seem to be enough for them. Stress has been unbearable. Be careful with your attorney you hire. Went thru numerous ones before we found a good one and still ended up with Presumed Abuse.
I wish I could give you better news. We actually went as far in our 13 as being ProSe and I wouldn't recommend that in front of the Federal Judge to anyone.
Wow. I'm so sorry. I'm planning on filing ch. 7 so maybe the experience will be different...
Can I ask you what the trustee asked for as far as paperwork goes (bank statements, credit card statements, etc.)? That's really what I'm most worried about. Also, did you get any strange questions outside of the normal ones at the 341?
I hope for your sake you are not a above median income earner. That seems to be the ones that are having difficulty. I was not asked for any bank statements or credit card statements from my attorney or the Trustee. Not even after the US Trustee filed presumed abuse did they ask for those documents. The 341 couldn't of gone smoother, I had no clue there would be any questions that would arise but on the 10th day past the 341 is when the US Trustee stepped in. The US Trustee then wanted copies of our taxes with all schedules, both of our divorce decrees from our first marriage that was over 15 years old. They also wanted pay stubs to current day, and copies of our medical bills, prescription expenses. The Trustee at the 341 spoke so fast he sounded like a recording. He was hard on a few cases a head of us but I could see why by just the answers he was getting about their property and things they inherited. Our case lasted less than 5 minutes and they were just general questions. Two days after the hearing the Trustee cleared the case on Pacer as no asset distribution but it was on the 10th day that the US Trustee's office in Atlanta flagged our case. So just getting thru the 341 hearing smoothly doesn't mean your out of the woods.
I am also in the northern district. I have had my first consult and I have a list of documents that I need before I file and that includes bank statements and and pay stubs. I will be below median when I file December 1. Sounds like your attorney wasn't very prepared in you case. I hope everything is going well with you now.
I had my 341 in Atlanta on april fools day. What a day to have it on. We had about 4 people before us on the 341 and 2 of them got more then the generic questions. Mostly as they had just taken a huge income loss. Ie high debt, low income. But no UST at the meeting at least not then.
It did take a long time for the case to close despite there being no ust or even case trustee interest after the 341. Just backlogs. I do agree take some time to find an attorney who takes the time to go over your case. mill will not do you any favors and from what I saw at the 341 I think the TT grilled the mill attorney cases a bit harder. My attorney was a 2 man shop with a paralegal operation. I also did a little research on pacer on this attorney before paying the filing fee, so I knew how many cases he worked. Enough to know what he was doing but no so much they all run together.
3/2/09- Filed: chapter 7 / No asset
4/1/09- 341 Hearing: 1 creditor showed up Got to love family feuds
4/2/09- Trustee Report of No Distribution Filed
6/24/09- Discharged and case closed