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How do people survive during Chapter 7

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    How do people survive during Chapter 7

    How is one to survive in the 6 months look back period if you are under the mean for your state, and then for another possible 6 to 8 weeks depending on when the 341 meeting is , you have to live in fear of earning anything. I work as an independent contractor and if I wanted to work hard, could earn well above the mean, but now I am getting the feeling I will somehow have to not start working until this 341 business is done and even sometime after. How do people survive therefore if you can't be supported by family or work during this post 6 month period. Can family support you after you have filed the petition if not working? I currently earn 2000.00 a month as an IC which will keep me under the mean in the 6 month look back and will file early Jan 10, but will need to increase my income at that point if I am to pay bills and survive. My Lawyer said I can earn all I want after filing, but this process seems very arbitrary and uncertain in the post filing period. Thanks for your comments.

    You can earn during the 6 month look back period. It's just easier if you stay under the median income level during the period though there are plenty of people here who were over median and still qualified for a C7.

    If your current income is 2 times the state median then not working at all for 3 months would get you to a six month average equal to the state median.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


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