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Question on unemployment and CH7

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    Question on unemployment and CH7

    I got laid off yesterday while on medical leave due to pregnancy complications from my job. I hadnt worked since Feb of this year and have had no income since then. I am filing CH7 on Oct 1st, my baby is due on Sept 19th. Would there be a problem if I apply for unemployment benefits after I file CH7 or should I wait until after the 341 hearing or until I am discharged. TIA

    I'd file asap
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      Do you mean file CH7 or apply for the unemployment asap. I cant file any sooner for the CH7 due to a loan modification which kicks in after the trial period ends in September. Technically I can apply for the unemployment right now to lock my amount in at the higher rate and they said I dont have to file my weekly claim until I have had the baby and am able to look for work.


        if you will get a higher unemployment compensation if you apply for it now, then do it. then the only question remains when you file the weekly claims (which you say you can choose when). i think i said everything i know about it in a previous post...
        filed ch7 May 09
        341 june 09
        discharged, closed Aug 09


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