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Second Debt Education Course part Deux....

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    Second Debt Education Course part Deux....

    I was just wondering when we took our first course we had a phone consult after to get our certificates.

    Can expect the same thing when we take the second course?

    Did any of you have to call in when you completed the second course?

    Or do you just take the course and they E-Mail the certificates when you complete it?

    Did any of you cheat and take it for you're spouse?
    Filed July 7,2009
    341 August 24,2009 (completed)
    Discharged 10-28-09(Thank You Lord.)
    Case closed 10-29-2009

    Our second class was done online completely. We used 50-30-20. It was a little cheaper that's why we picked them. It took about 2 hours to complete. Both myself and my dh had to take the course separately.

    No phone calls, the certificate was sent to our email acct. 14.95 per debtor and approved by the US trustee.
    Filed Chapter 7 June 4 ~ 341 July 20 ~Last day of objections Sept 18~Discharged/Closed Sept 21


      The second after 341 course we took online. When we signed up, it was free for spouse. It was VERY interesting and worth the two hours to view and answer. We did not HAVE to call anyone but once we finished, the website showed an error. We then called and those folks were SO good, They said they just got our results and everything came through and that they were emailing our certificates to our lawyer at this time. I was amazed. I expressed our pleasure in taking that course as we actually learned a lot. I cannot tell you online who it was, due to rules, however PM me and I can give you the name of the company. It only cost us about $35 bucks and well worth it. 'Hub
      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


        We took the first and second online. We didn't have a phone consult for either of them.
        4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
        5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
        7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
        7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!


          i had a phone conversation for the first, not for the second. i learned nothing from either course.
          filed ch7 May 09
          341 june 09
          discharged, closed Aug 09


            I'm with music... I learned nothing from either course, and in fact found them both rather insulting.

            I didn't have a telephone consult for either. The first one I had to "check in" thorough a web based chat two or three times and then was emailed a "consult report" several days later. My second class I just watched the videos, wrote down the code words, and answered a few test questions. The next morning (I did it Sunday evening) I woke up to the certificate in my email.

            The second one is a mandatory two hours long, I believe. So plan accordingly, but at least the one I took is not intense enough that you can't be doing other light work. (Hint: there were chime noises before any of the code words appeared on the screen letting you know to look)

            It implied I had to file BK because I was too stupid to know that I paid more interest on a 20% loan than a 5% loan. And that I pay more interest when I take a 10% loan for 6 years than a 10% loan for 3 years (wow!). And roughly 45 minutes explaining what a credit report is and a FICO score -- but offered no information on how derogatory accounts could legally be reported, how to correct things that CA's misreport, and how BK accounts should be appearing.

            I also found what I consider a flaw in their logic that wasn't explained, and I fear someone trying very hard to do everything they were told could get into trouble (the hypothetical person that isn't money smart and didn't know these things, so is learning for the first time through this course). Emailed the company, was told that they have certified counselors preparing the course and they know more than a normal person like I would so there is no problem with the video.

            For those that are interested -- the counselor stressed over and over to take your variable expenses like oil for heat in the winter, add up the whole season, and divide by 12 and include that in your budget. That way you'd always have the right amount.

            Umm, great. But what if I'm watching this video in September? I follow your directions to the line, and suddenly I'm out of money to pay for my oil because I haven't had a summer period yet to build up the reserve of extra budgeting.

            If I don't have a credit card to charge the oil on until I can use the summer months to make the payments, how am I supposed to pay for my oil?

            I just wish she explained that, and offered suggestions on what to do in the mean time.

            I would assume most people filing BK don't have a large reserve in the bank to start their budget off with.


              Mine was all online as well which was better for me because I didn't have to get into the conversation I had with the first course about how useless it was. It was timed so that I couldn't skip ahead before I had spent a certain amount of time on each section. So...I let the course run, read the New York Times online, emailed my friends, did some work and went back to the browser to take the tests at the end of each section.

              It was filled with all the hard-hitting, must-know information that jadams mentioned above. Curious, though, it left out all the important stuff that I feel really would help me plan for my post-bk future like "how to run a major bank into the ground and still get a $40 million bonus from taxpayer money," and "how to make huge profits by running a health insurance company and denying people coverage for their cancer treatments." Truly, not only would I have paid more attention if these were topics, I would also feel as if I were really being taught how to "make it" in America these days.


                No phone for mine either...all a cheesy online film with bad grammar and fill out a form at the end and *poof* it was done. Got the certs a few days after.

                Cost only 15 bucks for TWO people, some of the others charge per person
                7-2-2009 Filed
                8-28-09 341 Concluded, no assets
                10-28-09 DISCHARGED/CLOSED!!!!


                  Our first we went to a different lawyers office, he crammed about 15 ppl in his tiny room and proceeded to rant about how stupid it was that we all had to be there. He then said, have a nice day, and Ms. Secretary will hand you your certificates on the way out.

                  2nd course we did a couple of weeks ago, our 341 was yesterday, but we wanted it out of the way. We did DR's course, 45$/couple. It did take about 2 hours, did a couple of multiple choice questions throughout, and they emailed us our certs. when we were finished. Dave didn't tell me anything that I haven't already been doing for the last year.


                    another thing to mention is that even if you answer their multiple choice questions wrong, you still get the certification
                    filed ch7 May 09
                    341 june 09
                    discharged, closed Aug 09


                      Originally posted by music12 View Post
                      another thing to mention is that even if you answer their multiple choice questions wrong, you still get the certification
                      And why do we have to do this again???
                      Filed July 7,2009
                      341 August 24,2009 (completed)
                      Discharged 10-28-09(Thank You Lord.)
                      Case closed 10-29-2009


                        Originally posted by JustOverBroke View Post
                        And why do we have to do this again???
                        the second course is not a repeat of the first course. it's different.
                        filed ch7 May 09
                        341 june 09
                        discharged, closed Aug 09


                          Originally posted by JustOverBroke View Post
                          I was just wondering when we took our first course we had a phone consult after to get our certificates.

                          Can expect the same thing when we take the second course?

                          Did any of you have to call in when you completed the second course?

                          Or do you just take the course and they E-Mail the certificates when you complete it?

                          Did any of you cheat and take it for you're spouse?
                          Cheating during the bk process is not advised.
                          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                            Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                            Cheating during the bk process is not advised.
                            ...and if anyone had cheated, they wouldn't admit to it, even on this anonymous forum. it could be construed as aiding someone in defrauding the bk system, which is against forum rules.
                            filed ch7 May 09
                            341 june 09
                            discharged, closed Aug 09


                              Originally posted by music12 View Post
                              ...and if anyone had cheated, they wouldn't admit to it, even on this anonymous forum. it could be construed as aiding someone in defrauding the bk system, which is against forum rules.
                              I completely understand. (Wink-Wink)
                              Filed July 7,2009
                              341 August 24,2009 (completed)
                              Discharged 10-28-09(Thank You Lord.)
                              Case closed 10-29-2009


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