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Sued for Discharged Debt?

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    Sued for Discharged Debt?

    I've been reading that some people are afraid of being sued for discharged debt. From what I understand, debt that is discharged is done, gone. So, how could a creditor have grounds to sue?

    I read one case on another forum, the poster was sued, and all he had to do was show the local judge that the debt had been discharged in bankruptcy, and he was okay. Isn't that what bankruptcy protection is supposed to do?

    When I researched about bankruptcy, I read that creditors who pursue collections during and after discharge are in contempt and can be slapped with huge fines.
    Last edited by lafrteacher; 07-13-2009, 01:41 PM.
    Filed Ch. 7 on 6/1/09
    341 Meeting on 6/30/09
    Awaiting discharge...

    You are correct, the BK takes care of the debt and if, in the off chance, a debtor is sued after the fact, it is generally very easy to get the case dismissed. Also, if you are really aggressive, you can usually get the collection agency to fork over some money as a result.


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