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Pay Day Loan collections after bankruptcy

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    Originally posted by keepmine View Post
    A couple of you guys really need an attitude adjustment coupled with a reality check.
    I've posted more than a few times that bk is a 2 step process. and the filing part is the easy part.
    What comes next is tough. You gotta fix the problems that created the bk.
    If it's income, you need a better job or, some pt time/weekend work. And yes, I'm aware we are in a deep recession but, you can't let that discourage you. Get out there and start the application process. You only need one person to say yes.
    To me, the status quo is just not acceptable. I'm within a few months of the 4 year mark of my filing. Post discharge, I got a better job {benefits wise} and then a few months later got a job working overnight a few nights a week for a major retailer. Yes, I'm damned tired a lot but, my income is up 40% from when I filed. We all need a realistic budget and should cut corners and so forth and so on but, you're going to find that will only take you so far. Unless you can actually raise your income you'll find that inflation will carry you right out the door.
    Bottom line, stop whining about bk not being a fresh start. It is a fresh start if you take some initiative.
    Maybe you should also get a reality check & an attitude adjustment. You keep preaching this (your own personal life) & yet fail to realize that not everyones reality is the same as your reality. It does not provide a fresh start for everyone and some peoples problems can NEVER be fixed, so stop whining that it does. Just because your life is great & smooth & perfecto, it does not mean it always will be exempt from finding yourself back into another BK. UNless of course you are magic wizards from Disneyland! If you would look around at what others go thru and not just your own self, you would know that & then maybe stop preaching your own reality as everyone elses.


      Originally posted by Bandit View Post
      Maybe you should also get a reality check & an attitude adjustment. You keep preaching this (your own personal life) & yet fail to realize that not everyones reality is the same as your reality. It does not provide a fresh start for everyone and some peoples problems can NEVER be fixed, so stop whining that it does. Just because your life is great & smooth & perfecto, it does not mean it always will be exempt from finding yourself back into another BK. UNless of course you are magic wizards from Disneyland! If you would look around at what others go thru and not just your own self, you would know that & then maybe stop preaching your own reality as everyone elses.
      I learned long ago not to make other peoples problems my problems.
      I'm just saying, just because your debts are discharged in bk does not mean you automatically grow and prosper. You have to put some effort into that part. If you're unwilling to it and are content with the status quo then, very likely you are the one that will end up in bk a second time.


        Originally posted by keepmine View Post
        I learned long ago not to make other peoples problems my problems..
        That is very clear which expalins why you cant grasp other people who are below your status quo.. You do not have to make them your problems and it appears that until it becomes your problems you will never even try to understand what someone else goes through. If you think it is so easy for people to get a job right now, then give up your job for someone else, then go hunt for one and then you will know and fully understand how messed up the sermon is. I have seen you post that same sermon forever telling us we have bad attitudes and you aren't paying attention to other peoples reality when you do it. Why?

        If we were still in your exact shoes 4 years ago with the economy as it were, then you might have a case but things aren't the same as it was for you then and you just might find out that delivering pizza is all you can do while moving into a roach motel even after your BK. You - Below status quo.

        I'm just saying, just because your debts are discharged in bk does not mean you automatically grow and prosper. You have to put some effort into that part. If you're unwilling to it and are content with the status quo then, very likely you are the one that will end up in bk a second time.
        I could not agree more for those who are able, but at the same time I know there are people who CAN'T grow and prosper because life has not allowed it. Not everyone has 1,000 dollars extra laying around every two months to get health insurance that would allow them to not become bankrupt again when you need hundreds of thousands of dollars in tests and 5 surgeries a year for the past 5 years. Some people cant even get health insurance because they are so bad off with infirmity that they also can't work or get hired. Even if you are above the status quo, (lucky you) and there are a lot of them have passed through here, they could still end up bk again. Wasn't that Ed McMahons who was far far far above the status quo?, who preached the same stuff you do? Wasn't Ed the face of extreme wealth, massive home and perfection? Not everyone gets Donald Trump running to your rescue so you don't have to foreclose and file BK. Nothing wrong with expecting the best for your efforts and counting your blessings. Nothing wrong with hope and doing your best, but there is also nothing wrong with considering others who don't all get the same cards that those above status quo get.


          Originally posted by keepmine View Post
          You gotta fix the problems that created the bk.
          If it's income, you need a better job or, some pt time/weekend work. And yes,
          Yes. I am working two jobs. I am not complaining about money, but the harassing phone calls after discharge, not getting credit even with an increase in my income, and problems foreclosing on my home that is worth 40% less than what I paid for it. They started foreclosure after 4 months last year, but this year they have not started, and it has been almost 9 months now. I spoke with my lawyer and to take a creditor to court for harassing me after bankruptcy costs about $5000.
          Last edited by moneytrouble; 07-15-2009, 06:37 PM.


            I spoke with my lawyer about the pay day loan and NSF. Has to look into it to make sure this is not part of the bad check laws in my state. I will update as soon as I find out. As for taking creditors to court for harassing me after bankruptcy, it costs about $5000, no not $500, $5000 to sue them for the harassment. I am not sure how people are going after creditors with this price quoted to me. I can not imagine me if I call the court, they will do anything against the company for free, as they are swamped in my state. I tried looking up the collection company/law firm up on the Net, but there is no specific address, just some addresses people on sites posted they think is the address for the company. I am not going to send my legal papers to possible addresses.
            Last edited by moneytrouble; 07-15-2009, 06:35 PM.


              The attorney fees are paid by the creditor when they lose. Sounds like your attorney is quoting a high price because he does not feel like getting involved, many attorney's do this.

              check out a different attorney. Maybe a attorney.
              Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
              Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

              I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                Originally posted by StartingOver08 View Post
                The attorney fees are paid by the creditor when they lose. Sounds like your attorney is quoting a high price because he does not feel like getting involved, many attorney's do this.

                check out a different attorney. Maybe a attorney.
                Thanks. I noticed that all of the sites that are posting about this collection company are very recent, so my guess is the loan or collection company is in trouble with this bad economy and has decided to go after old bad debts now. It may just be extremely aggressive collections and they are not really pursuing legal matters against me. Still very troubling and depressing being harassed the same way I was before filing bankruptcy.
                Last edited by moneytrouble; 07-15-2009, 06:50 PM.


                  Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                  Maybe you should also get a reality check & an attitude adjustment. You keep preaching this (your own personal life) & yet fail to realize that not everyones reality is the same as your reality. It does not provide a fresh start for everyone and some peoples problems can NEVER be fixed, so stop whining that it does. Just because your life is great & smooth & perfecto, it does not mean it always will be exempt from finding yourself back into another BK. UNless of course you are magic wizards from Disneyland! If you would look around at what others go thru and not just your own self, you would know that & then maybe stop preaching your own reality as everyone elses.
                  If BK doesn't provide you a fresh start, which is the intention of the law, then it makes no sense for you to file for protection under BAPCA.

                  Everyone "preaches their own reality". It makes no sense to me how someone can preach another person's reality.

                  I read your post Bandit and you seem angry to me as though you are feeling like a victim of this, a victim of that. I hope you're able to deal with these issues! Best wishes to you!
                  Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                    Moneytrouble, why not send a cease and desist letter to the OC informing them if parties on their behalf continue to attempt to collect a debt that was discharged you will investigate the legal action that you could or should take against them. Tell them you are recording all phone conversations as well as documenting them in case legal action is necessary.

                    Calling the OC could result in finding out whom they sold the debt or assigned the debt to. Keep in mind if the debt was sold you are in good shape because only the OC can file criminal charges.


                      Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                      If BK doesn't provide you a fresh start, which is the intention of the law, then it makes no sense for you to file for protection under BAPCA.

                      I read your post Bandit and you seem angry to me as though you are feeling like a victim of this, a victim of that. I hope you're able to deal with these issues! Best wishes to you!
                      I see how you conveniently and completely ignored everything about it that isn't fresh.

                      Um, there is very little written here about my own personal case and my own reality, so no I don't go telling people to do everything the way I did it. Would you like to provide a reference of this victim accusation? If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to read it. Guess what? I don't go around telling people what to do, what to feel, when to feel, how I think they should feel, what to think and what definitions they have to agree with.

                      I am not going to change my opinion on the fresh start definition just because you think it is, because it isn't a fresh start. If you wish to believe that then be my guest. I don't believe you give two cents about wishing me best wishes, either!

                      Everyone "preaches their own reality". It makes no sense to me how someone can preach another person's reality.
                      Maybe for you. That is what I call selfish. I have no problem trying to understand someone elses reality and not just talk about my own.


                        Originally posted by Bell30656 View Post
                        Moneytrouble, why not send a cease and desist letter to the OC informing them if parties on their behalf continue to attempt to collect a debt that was discharged you will investigate the legal action that you could or should take against them. Tell them you are recording all phone conversations as well as documenting them in case legal action is necessary.
                        Yeah. They don't really care what I say and won't provide me an address until I agree to pay them something. They call twice a day, which legally is not harassment, and have not sent any paperwork yet. I could send my discharge papers to the original lender, but they were already notified in the bankruptcy, and have not contacted me in almost a year. I just wont respond to collection company anymore. I am beginning to think that these people are hired jail inmates by their demeanor, which I thought was just a rumor made up about collection agents.


                          Originally posted by moneytrouble View Post
                          Thanks. I noticed that all of the sites that are posting about this collection company are very recent, so my guess is the loan or collection company is in trouble with this bad economy and has decided to go after old bad debts now. It may just be extremely aggressive collections and they are not really pursuing legal matters against me. Still very troubling and depressing being harassed the same way I was before filing bankruptcy.
                          That would be my guess.

                          Bk does not guarantee that you wont be harassed afterward. Collections going after very old debt, or tansfered debts after a BK is rather common. I asked a question. Did you ask them if they got the paper with your discharge?


                            Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                            I see how you conveniently and completely ignored everything about it that isn't fresh.

                            Um, there is very little written here about my own personal case and my own reality, so no I don't go telling people to do everything the way I did it. Would you like to provide a reference of this victim accusation? If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to read it. Guess what? I don't go around telling people what to do, what to feel, when to feel, how I think they should feel, what to think and what definitions they have to agree with.

                            I am not going to change my opinion on the fresh start definition just because you think it is, because it isn't a fresh start. If you wish to believe that then be my guest. I don't believe you give two cents about wishing me best wishes, either!

                            Maybe for you. That is what I call selfish. I have no problem trying to understand someone elses reality and not just talk about my own.
                            This post validates my concern about you being angry and feeling victimized.

                            I do wish you the best. Why wouldn't I?

                            I've been called a lot of things over the years but never selfish.
                            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                              This post validates my concern about you being angry and feeling victimized.

                              I've been called a lot of things over the years but never selfish.
                              NO. That is only your own personal opinion about me. My own personal opinion about you is, my concern about you being selfish.


                                Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                                Did you ask them if they got the paper with your discharge?
                                They ignore that question and state they don't care about this discharge "We are not calling about a loan. This is about a bad check, not about a discharged loan" I am going to try and not worry about this anymore, until they actually do pursue legal matters, or my lawyer tells me to do something otherwise when she gets back with me.


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