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Hired a new attorney today

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    Hired a new attorney today

    It went well. I already knew most of what to expect so I had most of the documents copied already.
    He filled out the information packet that most hand out, it took 10 minutes.
    The only thing I needed to do was call all my creditors, find out the CA's and call them. That was fun Heres a tip, if your creditors are in a state like South Dakota it'll be easy, but when you call Atlanta....Shaniqua don't like to here bout no damn bankruptcy

    I kind of feel like I woke up the dogs, I bet the phone starts ringing again.

    Anyway I'm scheduled to file 07/13

    PS this is the first attorney I ever spoke to in my life(2 years ago), but everyone says don't go with the first one. Sooo....I seen a few more, bad move.

    Hey TFH,
    Glad to hear you got the ball rolling and found the right attorney. Wow, you'll be filed on Monday huh? Great!

    Good Luck!
    May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
    May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
    May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
    9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


      Proud of ya! Mrs. and I went "Yaaahhooooo!". 'Hub and Mrs.
      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


        Good to hear.
        7-2-2009 Filed
        8-28-09 341 Concluded, no assets
        10-28-09 DISCHARGED/CLOSED!!!!


          Yes, Monday

          I have a question.
          He said if I'm going to lose any assets or anything like that I will find out during the 341 meeting. Is this true?
          Whats the 60 to 115 day wait for?



            there is a sticky "61 days and no discharge", which will answer your question about the 60 to 115 days.

            your lawyer probably means that the trustees in your district will tell you at the 341 if they are going to turn your no-asset case into an asset case (in which case they take some non-exempt assets and sell them or distribute them). technically, they don't have to tell you at the meeting, but usually they do.

            glad you got your new lawyer, and please let us know what happens with the old one!
            filed ch7 May 09
            341 june 09
            discharged, closed Aug 09


              Congratulations on getting your new attorney!

              May your previous attorney have the good sense to return your deposit, but just know it is better to have a good attorney by your side. The other attorney could have made it very difficult for you throughout the process. Good Luck!
              Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
              Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

              I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                Originally posted by music12 View Post

                glad you got your new lawyer, and please let us know what happens with the old one!
                oh yea, I'm calendaring those ten days lol.
                My lawyer told me the trustee might ask why I fired the guy, I hope he's at the 341, even though my answer will be a short "I didn't feel comfortable with his plan (or ideas)"

                He said if they do take interest in an asset i can pay the difference between the exempt amount and what they think it's worth.

                Thats kind of good news because he also told me that my personal property total is $450. My exemptions are $1000 personal property, $1000 vehicle, $4000 wildcard, and I can use that left over $550 from personal property to apply to my auto exemption plus the wildcard.


                  Hi Tinfoil: You should already know from your attorney if you will be considered an Asset Case or not.

                  If you are a NON Asset case, your 60 day wait is that once your 341 is completed, and your creditors--the creditors you listed on your creditor matrix--have had their chance to show up in person and object to your attempt to discharge their particular debt--have 60 days to file an objection.

                  Boy, how was that for a run-on sentence?

                  Basically, you must give your creditors a period of time to file claims or objections against your BK estate.

                  If you are ruled as an Asset case, the wait time can be longer.

                  Most Ch7 cases are simple, and are ruled No Asset. You wait the 60 days, and depending on the caseload of your district you get your discharge on day 60, but probably a few days later.

                  If you are ruled an "Asset Case', that notification comes about 10 days after the 341--possibly longer--and could extend the time for the wait. Our 60 day wait was extended another 90 days.

                  In any case, we are training a new group of hamsters especially for your discharge.

                  Good luck~~~
                  "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

                  "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                    I'm glad to hear it went well! Here's hoping you're no asset!


                      Thanks for the support everyone.

                      The only thing I'm kind of nervous about is the creditors list, I was on the phone all day. My lawyer said the more info the better so I did my best. All 10 CC's now belong to CA's.

                      I had to call the CC's to get the CA info and call the CA's. Now some just gave me all the info my lawyer asked for, But two were very rude.

                      Lucky for me they were the last I called and I had my lines down and got a lot of info about "needing this info to settle the matter"
                      Now one woman put her boss on the phone, he asked if this was for a BK, I said yes.
                      The woman got back on the phone, and it was funny (to me) she said "I put you on da phone so you could tell my boss this is for a bk? You said you were trying to resolve the MATTERS, now you say bk?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      I said well, yea, bk is going to solve the matter right? She hung up. But I got the CA account numbers and balances.

                      I called back later and talked to someone else, who was nice at first, gave me more info, like the PO Box number, but was very demanding about wanting my lawyers info, I said I don't have it. Well you take that address and give it to your lawyer when you find out where he is, and hung up on me.

                      I googled the CA's name with the po box number and got the rest of the address.

                      So what if these people gave me wrong CA account info or something?

                      I was very surprised at first by how nice the people were.


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