Hi, my parents went to go see an attorney and was told that they have too much to file a 7 and a 13. They live in a co-op and have no mortgage. There house is worth anywheres between 70K - 85K. They make under 30K combined. They have about 47K in cc debt. No cash advances, This attorney told us that they will make my parents sell there house. NOW, thats not good, cause where the hell are they going to go? I thought that BK was suppose to make you have a fresh start. They are over 75 years old. Have never ever been late on anything. They called Novadebt and they told them they can't help them unless they can come up with an extra 500.00 bucks a month. HAHA if they could they wouldn't be calling them. He told them to stopped paying the CC's, but then the calls will start and keep coming and then they will file suits against them right?
Damn cc cards so bad.....Chase raised there minimal payment from 80 to 350.00. Capital one raised there interest rate more then triple. They can't afford the payments and can't file... I thought that maybe if they couldn't file a 7 then a 13, but the attorney says they make to little. They were paying about 750.00 a month for cc's, but they can't fund a 13???
What do they do? Anyone? They live in NJ. They are really in a bad spot..
Damn cc cards so bad.....Chase raised there minimal payment from 80 to 350.00. Capital one raised there interest rate more then triple. They can't afford the payments and can't file... I thought that maybe if they couldn't file a 7 then a 13, but the attorney says they make to little. They were paying about 750.00 a month for cc's, but they can't fund a 13???
What do they do? Anyone? They live in NJ. They are really in a bad spot..