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    First off lets say for the record I'm not real fond of attorneys.

    Mine is quite the tool.
    Why can't they be up front with there prices?
    We went with him because he was the cheapest well you get what you pay for even with attorneys.

    He charged us $996 plus filing fees I thought that wasn't bad,we had retained on May 1st, we pay in full $1295.00 he looks at our numbers says we can file on July 1st.

    DW an I go in on July 1st he does our numbers again and says we are $105 over median,I ask him if he ran the means test and we were still over he tells DW and I that it will cost an extra $504 to run the means test or we can just wait till August to file but he says he'll be on vacation the first part of the month and would not be back until the 18th.

    The DW was starting to turn red I had to remind her to breathe she wasn't happy,I couldn't help but laugh.

    We also have a Lawsuit hanging around our necks for a medical bill so we were not in a position to really wait and have the garnishment come down on us.

    So DW says we can't afford that and will have to wait in a disgusting tone,Attorney says before we leave he'll knock off one hour ($165) to do the means test DW and I talk it over and agree to just eat it and "Git R Dun".

    I call Attorney and were set to go for the 7th of July he says we need to pay cash,I said okay then gave DW a weird look and gave a shrug.

    Okay so we go in today and I give him the money he writes a receipt and then slips the cash into his pocket(can you say unreported income) I just laugh under my breath.

    So anyway we passed or failed the means test depending on how you want to look at it,and our petition was filed and we walked out with our docket number.

    And now we wait to hear from the Attorney for our date with the Trustee for our 341.

    We're close now but still hurdles to jump, with a pending lawsuit the DW has for a slip and fall it could be a problem but were hoping not because we don't think there's any real value to the case so the trustee just might poo-poo it it's too small and not worth his time we have about 12 creditors,we shall see.
    Filed July 7,2009
    341 August 24,2009 (completed)
    Discharged 10-28-09(Thank You Lord.)
    Case closed 10-29-2009

    First of all, congrats on finally filing your petition. Now about that attorney, what a jerk...really now, $504 to "run" the means test (oh, sorry he knocked of $ nice of him, now it's only $339 to run the means test!)?!? So was he just going to file you "originally" without a means test? Just ridiculous at what some attorneys get away with...
    Good Luck and glad you are file...this should all be over soon.
    May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
    May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
    May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
    9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


      Originally posted by liz417 View Post
      First of all, congrats on finally filing your petition. Now about that attorney, what a jerk...really now, $504 to "run" the means test (oh, sorry he knocked of $ nice of him, now it's only $339 to run the means test!)?!? So was he just going to file you "originally" without a means test? Just ridiculous at what some attorneys get away with...
      Good Luck and glad you are file...this should all be over soon.
      He was just going to keep pushing it back until we fell under our state median, but we were sued on June 26th for a medical bill we just couldn't wait any longer we needed the court protection.
      Filed July 7,2009
      341 August 24,2009 (completed)
      Discharged 10-28-09(Thank You Lord.)
      Case closed 10-29-2009


        lawyers are generally crooks, though i thought bk lawyers would be better because they are supposed to know we have no money!

        you did the right thing, just pay a little (a lot!) more and get it over with. now you are protected and hopefully can start sleeping at night. you did it!
        filed ch7 May 09
        341 june 09
        discharged, closed Aug 09


          I would have gone home, logged onto the internet and visited US Bankruptcy Courts, completed the form myself and hand delivered it to the attorney 2 hours later.
          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


            Well at least you are filed but wow what a jerk!
            4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
            5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
            7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
            7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!


              I had to look at your location, otherwise I would swear you were using our attorney. Sheesh, this sounds like a lot of what we went through.

              Now that it's done, here's hoping that all goes smoothly from now on. My best to DW. One of our bills was a result of a slip and fall I had. The Medical group is still trying to collect even though their debt was discharged.
              "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

              "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


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