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aaghhhh! Banking help PLEASE!!!

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    aaghhhh! Banking help PLEASE!!!

    I bank with Key Bank (not terribly customer friendly). I went in today to open a savings account and they wouldn't let me because I was reported on ChexSystems. Not surprising because we're waiting for our Chapter 7 to be discharged. But, Key Bank now wants to close our accounts. I have NO idea where to go!

    I read that Wells Fargo has a second chance account, which is great, but they hold our Second Mortgage. We're working on modifying our mortgage (1st & 2nd). I'm just concerned that if I open an account there that they could take any money in the account...??? We are 6 or so months behind on our mortgage payments. Maybe they wouldnt even give us an account, I dont know.

    The other option is Bank of America. I thought I had closed all of my accounts there right before we filed, but apparently I still have one there. They hold our 1st Mortgage. We had to include BOA in our bankruptcy (credit cards and 1 deficient checking accout). If I start using that account, can they take funds?

    I'm just not sure how all of this works considering we are protected under the automatic stay and the debts will be gone when we're discharged.

    does this make sense? Can anyone help me?

    I would try a credit union. They don't seem to have much of a "selection" process. If you go in there they will give you an account to put money in.


      don't go to wells fargo! they are notorious for freezing accounts.

      i would also be careful with BOA given you have debt with them.

      try a CU like needachance suggested, or maybe a small local bank. if all fails, just don't use a bank for a while - cash at home is safer than money in wells fargo, according to people's horror stories.
      filed ch7 May 09
      341 june 09
      discharged, closed Aug 09


        You are gonna have to find a bank/cu that doesn't pull ChexSystems.
        Filed 5/29/09
        Discharged 9/14/09


          Originally posted by mickeysfriend View Post
          I bank with Key Bank (not terribly customer friendly). I went in today to open a savings account and they wouldn't let me because I was reported on ChexSystems. Not surprising because we're waiting for our Chapter 7 to be discharged. But, Key Bank now wants to close our accounts. I have NO idea where to go!

          I read that Wells Fargo has a second chance account, which is great, but they hold our Second Mortgage. We're working on modifying our mortgage (1st & 2nd). I'm just concerned that if I open an account there that they could take any money in the account...??? We are 6 or so months behind on our mortgage payments. Maybe they wouldnt even give us an account, I dont know.

          The other option is Bank of America. I thought I had closed all of my accounts there right before we filed, but apparently I still have one there. They hold our 1st Mortgage. We had to include BOA in our bankruptcy (credit cards and 1 deficient checking accout). If I start using that account, can they take funds?

          I'm just not sure how all of this works considering we are protected under the automatic stay and the debts will be gone when we're discharged.

          does this make sense? Can anyone help me?
          How can Key Bank close your current account? That just doesn't seem right do you owe them money? I tried to open an additonal account, with my current CU. They open the account but later closed it due to my reporting with CHEXSYSTEM. I am currently disputing the reporting from CHEXSYSTEM, the debit discharged. It will be very hard for you to open a new account. Stay away from Banks that you included in your BK. They will freeze your accounts.


            Originally posted by music12 View Post
            don't go to wells fargo! they are notorious for freezing accounts.

            i would also be careful with BOA given you have debt with them.

            try a CU like needachance suggested, or maybe a small local bank. if all fails, just don't use a bank for a while - cash at home is safer than money in wells fargo, according to people's horror stories.
            i keep seeing people say that wells fargo freezes your accounts if you file BK - even if you don't owe them anything. But this seems to be a rumor.. I have yet to find someone that actually had this happen to *them*.

            I'm not saying everyone is wrong, just that it's not a good idea to blacklist places without knowing for sure..
            Filed Pro Se: 10/16/2009
            341 Scheduled: 11/23/2009
            Last Day for Objections: 1/22/2010
            Discharged: 1/28/2010


              Originally posted by jribe View Post
              i keep seeing people say that wells fargo freezes your accounts if you file BK - even if you don't owe them anything. But this seems to be a rumor.. I have yet to find someone that actually had this happen to *them*.

              I'm not saying everyone is wrong, just that it's not a good idea to blacklist places without knowing for sure..
              i don't think it's just a rumor because there was a poster on this forum to whom this actually happened, they had to raise heaven and earth to get it unfrozen.

              of course it's possible that that poster is an impostor sent by a competitor bank, but i really really doubt it...
              filed ch7 May 09
              341 june 09
              discharged, closed Aug 09


                Originally posted by jribe View Post
                i keep seeing people say that wells fargo freezes your accounts if you file BK - even if you don't owe them anything. But this seems to be a rumor.. I have yet to find someone that actually had this happen to *them*.
                I have an account with Wells Fargo and they haven't frozen or closed my account at all. In fact, I went to WF today to cash my paycheck.

                I also have an account with Key Bank and they haven't closed my account either. US Bank did, but I owed them several hundred bucks, so I was expecting it. (And good riddance to them. AWFUL bank.)


                  Originally posted by music12 View Post
                  i don't think it's just a rumor because there was a poster on this forum to whom this actually happened, they had to raise heaven and earth to get it unfrozen.

                  of course it's possible that that poster is an impostor sent by a competitor bank, but i really really doubt it...
                  i didn't mean to say that someone's an imposter.. just that it may have been something else that affected the accounts being frozen if it has just been one person. I've just seen these a few times and haven't seen anyone say it happened to them...
                  Filed Pro Se: 10/16/2009
                  341 Scheduled: 11/23/2009
                  Last Day for Objections: 1/22/2010
                  Discharged: 1/28/2010


                    Originally posted by mickeysfriend View Post
                    I bank with Key Bank (not terribly customer friendly). I went in today to open a savings account and they wouldn't let me because I was reported on ChexSystems. Not surprising because we're waiting for our Chapter 7 to be discharged. But, Key Bank now wants to close our accounts. I have NO idea where to go!

                    I read that Wells Fargo has a second chance account, which is great, but they hold our Second Mortgage. We're working on modifying our mortgage (1st & 2nd). I'm just concerned that if I open an account there that they could take any money in the account...??? We are 6 or so months behind on our mortgage payments. Maybe they wouldnt even give us an account, I dont know.

                    The other option is Bank of America. I thought I had closed all of my accounts there right before we filed, but apparently I still have one there. They hold our 1st Mortgage. We had to include BOA in our bankruptcy (credit cards and 1 deficient checking accout). If I start using that account, can they take funds?

                    I'm just not sure how all of this works considering we are protected under the automatic stay and the debts will be gone when we're discharged.

                    does this make sense? Can anyone help me?
                    i would go to the smallest credit union in town. i am talking about 1-2 branches. hopefully they do not have the resources to particicpate in chekcsystems. The resaon i say this is checksystems is not free you have to pay for each file pull. in today tough economy a small credit will be likely to cut that out to save money and trust in their own loss mitigation dept to catch "bad/negative" accounts early. The CU i work for is consistnaly turing on and off is checksystem reporting. All the major banks are going to use checksystems, even the damn grocery stores have ti for when you write them a check.


                      Forget the banks. Just find a place that does money orders cheap and start paying your bills that way. Cash your paycheck at the bank where it's written from. Wait until the Ch. 7 is discharged. It's only a short time for the suffering until it ends. It's all a means to an end.


                        Here is the link to the couple who had their bank account frozen by Wells Fargo. HHM, A moderator, states in this thread on 5/2/09 5:10 pm:

                        "By chance do you bank with Wells Fargo.
                        Some banks will Freeze your funds when you file BK. It has nothing to do with a lien, or any thing like that, they are simply acting punitively toward you. It can be undone, but it is a hassle."

                        Personally, if I had a money in any large bank, I would open an account with a CU or a small bank.



                          Do the banks report you to checksystems if you included an overdraft account in BK or is it only for checking accounts?
                          CH 7 Filed 6/26/09
                          341 Meeting 7/27/09
                          Last day for objections: 9/25/09
                          When life gives you lemons, slice them and add to your Margarita!!


                            I would suggest going here: to get the list of banks that do not pull Chex. It's kept pretty up to date.

                            I used it to find a bank/credit union that did not pull Chex. While I ultimately did go one that pulled a credit report, it was a soft pull and done long before I filed. I like my CU and am glad I went with them.
                            Filed - 11/19/08;341 - 12/22/08
                            Discharged - 2/23/09 ;Closed - 3/6/09
                            Got my first post BK credit line - car loan - 4/9/09 On my way to recovery.


                              I also bank with Wells Fargo and just freeze on my account (I also didn't have $10k+ in my account either like the OP of that thread). My mortgage is also with WF but I haven't had a negative experience with them...yet.
                              May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
                              May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
                              May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
                              9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


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