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Lawyer says to

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    Lawyer says to

    If your lawyer says to quit paying all your bills your going Bk on ....then don't that mean you have some money left? I don't get that....please explain someone.
    filed June 12,09
    341 July 20,09
    deadline to object Sept 18,09

    Yes, but your lawyer should have put together a "future expenses" worksheet which is in your petition... this should show where all your money is going to AFTER you stop paying your other debts.

    Are you under the median or did you do the means test?

    I have like 168 dollars left over after my "new" expenses and getting rid of my old debt.
    BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
    Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


      Yes it does, but your Means Test excludes any payment to unsecured debt anyhow. That is, that your expenses, for purposes of Bankruptcy, don't include any payment to creditors who don't hold a security interest in some property (car, home, furniture, etc).
      Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
      Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
      Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

      Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


        Originally posted by denisejohn65 View Post
        If your lawyer says to quit paying all your bills your going Bk on ....then don't that mean you have some money left? I don't get that....please explain someone.
        I thought you were under median?


          BK 7 and they have my income at 29,652.84 a year....but that is before I lost my jobs.It says applicable meadian famliy income house hold size 2 for CO 65,668.00
          filed June 12,09
          341 July 20,09
          deadline to object Sept 18,09


            Cuz I'm not paying these bills...only the hoa and electric and living off the rest for every day, gas, car insurance , cell at bf and helping there with stuff.I get the 600.00 in alimony every other week and the 447.00 in retirement once a month. Am I doing anything wrong that I should be worried at the 341 coming up??? I' m always fretting about these things.Please help
            filed June 12,09
            341 July 20,09
            deadline to object Sept 18,09


              You, like me, are way under the median. I don't think you should be worrying about this, at all.


                Originally posted by denisejohn65 View Post
                BK 7 and they have my income at 29,652.84 a year....but that is before I lost my jobs.It says applicable meadian famliy income house hold size 2 for CO 65,668.00
                Why are you listing the household size as 2? At the time of filing, were you living with your boyfriend? I didn't think you were.

                The way the filing of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy was explained by our BK Attorney as the following:

                The Income you list is Gross Income not net income. As our BK Attorney only files all of his cases on the last day of the month, we will be filing 9/30/09.

                Our Gross Income for determining the Means Test is based on my husband's wages from Mar 1, 2009 through August 31, 2009. My Social Security Disability plays No part in the Means Test.

                On Schedule I Hubby's Gross Wages from Mar.1 - Aug 31, are shown on Line 1 -Debtor. My Gross Social Security Disability is shown on Line 11 - Spouse.

                Look at your Schedule I and see if your Gross Wages are listed on Line 1 and also see if your Alimony is listed on Line 10. Then look at the $ figure on Line 16. Also, line 17 should state you lost your job.

                Schedule J should list all your Expenditures and Line #20 (c) should be no more than around the $160 range (I cannot recall if it is $165 or $167,$168).
                It's best if Line #20 (c) is much lower as it gives 'wiggle room' if an Expenditure might be denied by the Trustee.

                Take the time to look at Schedule J and see what Line 20(c) says. It doesn't matter NOW you have money left over. The concern is the Date You Filed.

                I don't know Colorado Laws on whether Gross Income is calculated from the 1st day of the previous month - through the last day of the previous month or whether it is calculated, in your case From Dec. 10, 2008 - May 11, 2009.
                Either way you are below the Colorado Median Income.

                PS You are worrying too much!! My Gawd, Gal, you are going to end up in a hospital and it might not be a normal one either LOL! if you keep up this worrying until July 20th.
                Last edited by LuciluS; 07-02-2009, 12:42 PM. Reason: for a PS


                  house hold size is 2 cuz my son stays with me on the weekend.No I was not living with BF when the papers were done.The papers were already done before I lost job and the lawyer said it didn't matter.But he filed them after I lost job so job loss is not one their.He said we will address this at the 341....cuz I assume they ask if everything is correct in the scheduales right??? I just think maybe I'm worry about stuff that don't matter and to just focus on the 341. The lawyer said yesterday all is good I have no money. Think I should just forget about it and stop making up stuff to worry about....huh?
                  filed June 12,09
                  341 July 20,09
                  deadline to object Sept 18,09


                    Originally posted by denisejohn65 View Post
                    house hold size is 2 cuz my son stays with me on the weekend.No I was not living with BF when the papers were done.The papers were already done before I lost job and the lawyer said it didn't matter.But he filed them after I lost job so job loss is not one their.He said we will address this at the 341....cuz I assume they ask if everything is correct in the scheduales right??? I just think maybe I'm worry about stuff that don't matter and to just focus on the 341. The lawyer said yesterday all is good I have no money. Think I should just forget about it and stop making up stuff to worry about....huh?

                    O Sorry I remember you saying your son stayed with you on weekend.

                    Think I should just forget about it and stop making up stuff to worry about....huh? YES! YES!

                    You are not eating and said you've lost weight. I did too at the beginning; however, I needed to lose some, so it didn't hurt me.

                    Your Attorney knows what he is doing. He wouldn't have filed your case if he didn't feel confident your Case would be discharged. I cannot remember, did you receive a cheat sheet for your 341? If so, go over that tomorrow and then one day a week until the 341 on 7/21/09.

                    As I'm disabled & hubby is gone, the internet is my life. I have many support groups I belong to. But the most easiest way for me to release tension is I love to play the word games, solitaire and payday free cell. If you are not a member, you can join for Free. I used to be a Premium member, until they raised it to $34.99 a year. Difference in free vs. premium? no ads & special rooms to play in.

                    As they say 'Try It..You Might Like It'. Do anything to get your mind off of your BK. Dang girl - we started last Sept. & we aren't filed yet. Of course, I'm the one doing all the big deal tho. The first 2 mths. I was pretty tense, edgy & has my husband said I was a beotch ROFLOL! I just decided one day in Dec. I had enough health problems & I didn't need to complicate them by fretting over our BK.

                    So GO PLAY! And here

                    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS!))))))))))))))))))))))



                      You're definitely over thinking things. It really sounds like you don't have anything to worry about.
                      4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
                      5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
                      7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
                      7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!


                        I was just worry about the money I have left over now.....since all that stuff on there or most of it I don't pay anymore and he said not to pay for car or condo or anything if your going BK on it and he keeps saying the alimony and retirement are exempt......does that mean it's mine to do with what I want????That when he says to draw it all out of the account and spend it or what cuz you don't want much money in there. He even said yesterday to keep only a little bit in there. That's what is really bothering me.... this alimony being exempt.....and retirement...what does it mean for real?
                        filed June 12,09
                        341 July 20,09
                        deadline to object Sept 18,09


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