The coolest thing happened yesterday. I got our gas bill (heating). Long story, but we were so incredibly far behind, we had a back-balance of almost $4K. The payment plan we were on was $350 per month. During the summer (small bills), we'd make some headway, but then during the winter (HUGE bills), we'd be right back again. That balance NEVER seemed to go down. In addition to all the other debt, that gas bill was just one more thing keeping me up at night.
Well I opened the bill yesterday, and it said "balance from last statement: $0.00" And all we owe at this point is a security deposit on our wiped-clean account!!! It just feels so good. I am so thankful for the chance to start over.
Well I opened the bill yesterday, and it said "balance from last statement: $0.00" And all we owe at this point is a security deposit on our wiped-clean account!!! It just feels so good. I am so thankful for the chance to start over.