I'm going to make this as short and sweet as I possibly can. Had our 341 mtg. on 5/15 - went well; however, our attorney did not bring a copy of a deed that Trustee rquested. Trustee said if we submit it by 6/1 we "MAY" not have to appear. Submitted the deed on 5/19. The Trustee's paralegal sent an email to my attorney's paralegal excusing us from appearing on 6/26. Great right??? Well our paralegal claims the email was automatically deleted the same night before she could print it or send us a copy and claims we do NOT need to appear on the 26th.
Should I be concerned and still appear? Or should I take her word for it and just not appear? PACER is indicating awaiting 341.
Should I be concerned and still appear? Or should I take her word for it and just not appear? PACER is indicating awaiting 341.