I paid cash for so much including rent to my roommate and can't prove it, am I going to have to let another 6 months or so go by so I can correctly pass means and prove out income n spending?
Why in the name of you know who doesn't attorney advise on this? Don't they realize that people are fearful of liens prior to bankruptcy? I thought I was the only one withdrawing money and paying with cash. Now it appears like other people do it too based on what I'm reading.
So does anyone have any suggestions related to proper recordkeeping and banking? I can start with May 1st and plan on filing in November, I doubt my income will change much, even if I find full time work, I don't think I will have issues with passing means test based on current living situation.
P.S. Is 6 months an unusual wait time before filing? Will creditors hold out that long?
Ya know, I'm past the fear, I'm passed the crying....I'm pretty much smiling and laughing these days, I have been in so many of these catch-22 situations between the fraudulent gifting of my car and student loans that its all I can do. Maybe I can get away with filing after March 1st of next year so the lookback won't include the car? I might as well at this point. UGGGHHHH, I just want to go outside and yell at the top of my lungs.
Why in the name of you know who doesn't attorney advise on this? Don't they realize that people are fearful of liens prior to bankruptcy? I thought I was the only one withdrawing money and paying with cash. Now it appears like other people do it too based on what I'm reading.
So does anyone have any suggestions related to proper recordkeeping and banking? I can start with May 1st and plan on filing in November, I doubt my income will change much, even if I find full time work, I don't think I will have issues with passing means test based on current living situation.
P.S. Is 6 months an unusual wait time before filing? Will creditors hold out that long?
Ya know, I'm past the fear, I'm passed the crying....I'm pretty much smiling and laughing these days, I have been in so many of these catch-22 situations between the fraudulent gifting of my car and student loans that its all I can do. Maybe I can get away with filing after March 1st of next year so the lookback won't include the car? I might as well at this point. UGGGHHHH, I just want to go outside and yell at the top of my lungs.