Anyone recognize this number?
Yep, its Citibank.
They started calling me today. Geez, didn't they get the memo - Chapter 7 dudes!
I didn't even hear the phone as I can't hear well when I am asleep but they woke my bf up this morning.
One 2 second dead voicemail. I knew what it was before I even looked the number up. Plus it is exact a week I am late too - right on time.
Doesn't bug me because I know exactly how automated it all is. I used to be a programmer for a large corporation and I used to write the programs for the accounts system and the billing stuff is all done by batch jobs. These are programs that automatically run every night against the database and whoseever bills are over due by whatever days they want are flagged and sent to the automated calling system. Everytime the computer calls you it is logged too. They even log whether or not you answered and can tell whether or not a voicemail picked up. It only gets routed to a human if the system detects a pickup. Super easy to progam and all digital now. My guess is there is not one human being over at Citibank who knows I am being called yet or that I am at Chapter 7 - just Mr. Mainframe.
A person won't even know you are defaulted or BK unless you answer the call. Kind of funny they called though - no one else has called and my case was filed April 30 and some of my accounts are being closed already. But I do owe Citibank the largest amount - tough I am not answering. Well, I do have my case number so I guess I could answer and give them that - but my phone will probably be shutting off soon so we shall see.
I feel bad for the people who work at Citibank though. A fellow programmer that I used to work with got a job over there and HATED it. He said they were so overworked that no one had a life. He quit and came back to to our company because it was such a nice place to work.

They started calling me today. Geez, didn't they get the memo - Chapter 7 dudes!

I didn't even hear the phone as I can't hear well when I am asleep but they woke my bf up this morning.
One 2 second dead voicemail. I knew what it was before I even looked the number up. Plus it is exact a week I am late too - right on time.
Doesn't bug me because I know exactly how automated it all is. I used to be a programmer for a large corporation and I used to write the programs for the accounts system and the billing stuff is all done by batch jobs. These are programs that automatically run every night against the database and whoseever bills are over due by whatever days they want are flagged and sent to the automated calling system. Everytime the computer calls you it is logged too. They even log whether or not you answered and can tell whether or not a voicemail picked up. It only gets routed to a human if the system detects a pickup. Super easy to progam and all digital now. My guess is there is not one human being over at Citibank who knows I am being called yet or that I am at Chapter 7 - just Mr. Mainframe.

A person won't even know you are defaulted or BK unless you answer the call. Kind of funny they called though - no one else has called and my case was filed April 30 and some of my accounts are being closed already. But I do owe Citibank the largest amount - tough I am not answering. Well, I do have my case number so I guess I could answer and give them that - but my phone will probably be shutting off soon so we shall see.
I feel bad for the people who work at Citibank though. A fellow programmer that I used to work with got a job over there and HATED it. He said they were so overworked that no one had a life. He quit and came back to to our company because it was such a nice place to work.
