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Well the calls have started...

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    Well the calls have started...

    So far just Macys. 5 times today. I haven't answered, because I've experienced this in the past with them, and it's always the same guy with an indian accent trying to lecture me about paying bills on time, and it just infuriates me.

    Awwww....just let it go. Doesn't matter anyway.

    Start talking to him in a made up language. That makes collectors really mad. Or just set the phone on the counter and go about your business. He'll hang up. I hate creditors.
    Filed - 12/24/08 (Merry Christmas Credit Cards!)
    341 - 2/5/09
    Confirmation - 3/13/09....Happy Dance!!!


      Caller ID is golden. Just don't answer the telephone because the calls will continue to upset you.
      Filed Chapter 7 (Primarily Business Expenses) 04/10/2008 FICO 468 :cry:
      341 on 05/06/08:unsure:House appraisal on day 63:blink: 07/10/2008 Discharged-Asset Case!!!:yahoo:08/09 Transu 559, Equifax 636, Experian 647
      Case Closed 07/15/2009 :D:yahoo:


        Originally posted by EricaCallaha View Post
        Awwww....just let it go. Doesn't matter anyway.

        Start talking to him in a made up language. That makes collectors really mad. Or just set the phone on the counter and go about your business. He'll hang up. I hate creditors.
        I can't... I'm at work. Thankfully they haven't found my work number yet (hopefully never)

        I'll just continue to ignore until I can afford the half payment for BK


          Originally posted by southernbelle View Post
          Caller ID is golden. Just don't answer the telephone because the calls will continue to upset you.
          Yeah, I'm just hitting ignore call on my phone as soon as I see the number


            If and when they do call you at work....tell them not to. Tell them you cannot receive calls at work and that all further correspondence needs to be in writing because there is not a good time for you to talk on the phone. In the Collections forum there are a few good letters to write and send to get them to slow it down.

            Good luck. We have all been there. It stinks.
            Filed - 12/24/08 (Merry Christmas Credit Cards!)
            341 - 2/5/09
            Confirmation - 3/13/09....Happy Dance!!!


              Blow a whistle in their ears when you answer the phone.
              Chapter 7 filed 10/21/2008
              341 - 11/26 went smooth NO ASSET
              Took 115 days after 341 - But Finally DISCHARGED 3/25/09


                Now chase has started... lol

                This is going to be an arduous couple of months.


                  Originally posted by lolasaurus View Post
                  Now chase has started... lol

                  This is going to be an arduous couple of months.

                  Have fun with these people. After you validate your mailing address and phone number you can answer their questions with any offbeat answer you like. The longer you have them on the phone frustrating them with non-answers the fewer number of the rest of us they can hassle that day. DO IT FOR THE TEAM!
                  Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                    I honestly still haven't answered. I probably need to. I think for now I'm just going to take the stance that I don't have the money for it right now, politely apologize, and just get off the phone without committing to anything.

                    I just hate Macys because that indian guy always lectures me, reading off his script and not letting me get a word in. I'll probably have to start hanging up on him when he does that.


                      If Macy's uses off-shore collectors in India then you're most likely not talking to the same person each time. Try speaking in Spanish or pig Latin or a language you make up on the fly.
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        Yesterday one of the companies called that I had already given them our atty's contact info. I explained AGAIN that I had provided them with that information and I now considered them fair game. That the next phone call I received I was forwarding somewhere they would enjoy really talking to the folks who answered. They immediately informed me that they would be removing our number from the "autodialers" and we wouldn't be receiving any more calls. Sometimes you need to impress upon them the consequences of their actions.

                        Consider the phone call phase a challenge. Don't let them see you sweat. Don't let them make you angry or say anything you wouldn't want the judge or Trustee to hear. They win when they do. I considered it a game. I was answering their calls so they didn't contact DH at work or other relatives but I wasn't going to agree to anything either. Chase and B of A are easy. Their reps are professional and don't harass or get snarky. Same tone of voice you get when you call their customer service agents. Just explain that you can't pay right now and they will go away for about five days. You can set your watch by the times these companies call. Now GE Money is a whole different story. They must hire rejects from fast food places and I considered them fair game to play with. The day the rep told me "WE want OUR money back" was the day I laughed so hard I had tears. I told her to call me back when she signed the GE Money paychecks! You will live thru it. I did and it's wonderful to hear the phone ring now and not flinch.
                        Ch 7 filed: 3/30
                        341: 5/12
                        Discharged and Closed 7/20: Now known as- Free Willy


                          Don't be such masochists. You all need to change your phone # or get a Google Voice number and block calls you don't like. Why suffer day after day? Change the number and give out the new # to friends.

                          I owe more people than any of you and my phone no longer rings. I have over 60 people that are going to be on my bankruptcy list.

                          There's no point of getting stressed out. I've been sitting here all morning long and not one creditor or collection agency has called me. I won't allow it to happen. I changed my phone # a long time ago and use a Google Grand Central #. When they started calling my Grand Central #, I logged in and clicked "Block" on that call. Poof! No more arguments! No more high blood pressure or stress. I LOVE IT!!


                            Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                            If Macy's uses off-shore collectors in India then you're most likely not talking to the same person each time. Try speaking in Spanish or pig Latin or a language you make up on the fly.
                            Or get Rosetta Stone and learn German or French and speak to them in that language. It will be so much fun! I kid you not!


                              Originally posted by debtmonster View Post
                              Don't be such masochists. You all need to change your phone # or get a Google Voice number and block calls you don't like. Why suffer day after day? Change the number and give out the new # to friends.

                              I owe more people than any of you and my phone no longer rings. I have over 60 people that are going to be on my bankruptcy list.

                              There's no point of getting stressed out. I've been sitting here all morning long and not one creditor or collection agency has called me. I won't allow it to happen. I changed my phone # a long time ago and use a Google Grand Central #. When they started calling my Grand Central #, I logged in and clicked "Block" on that call. Poof! No more arguments! No more high blood pressure or stress. I LOVE IT!!
                              Google grand central doesn't allow new users, or I'd already have it. Unless you've got an invite you want to share


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