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Question About Creditor Objections

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    Question About Creditor Objections

    Hey all -

    Long time reader, first time poster and first time going through bankruptcy. Here is the rundown on everything:

    1. I am getting a divorce but the ex is waiting until my bankruptcy is over and done with before we proceed (she filed first without my knowledge on 9/16/08, I started getting collection calls on her bills and was forced to file, hers was discharged 12/24/08 and closed 12/29/08).

    2. I filed 12/31/08 and had my 341 Meeting on 1/26/09

    3. I surrendered our house (as did the ex in her filing) back to the trustee and got the motion from relief for it

    4. The deadline for creditor objections is 3/27/09

    5. I have reaffirmed my car loan and one small store card balance ($200) that I forgot to list in the schedules just so it wouldn't hold up the process.

    That said, what is the likelihood of any creditors objecting in these last couple of days? Everything I listed was listed in my ex's bankruptcy already, but I listed everything as well as instructed. Wondering if anyone has any similar experiences and/or advice on this. I'm getting nervous/freaking out as it gets closer, so any advice anyone has is much appreciated!
    Filed C7: 12/31/08
    341 Meeting: 1/26/09
    Last Day for Objections: 3/27/09
    Discharged: 04/01/09 Closed: ??????

    I used to worry about this too...and I decided that those things I have no control over I'm not going to waste nervous energy worrying about. If it happens, it happens, and I'll address it at that time. You're so close, sit back and relax!!! And good luck with your new beginning!!!
    Filed C7: 03/09/09
    341: 04/30/09
    Discharged 6/30/09!!!


      I guess one other question I forgot to mention is how often do they audit you on this stuff? My income was only about $1000 below the means test or median test so even though my ex-wife's got all discharged with the exact same debt, is it more likely I'm going to be audited and this get delayed?
      Filed C7: 12/31/08
      341 Meeting: 1/26/09
      Last Day for Objections: 3/27/09
      Discharged: 04/01/09 Closed: ??????


        Official audits are rare, about 1 in 1000 cases. See this link:

        What most people here talk about is not the audits so much, but extra scrutiny by the panel Trustee or even the US Trustee. Since you are below median income, your chances are slim to none of having the extra scrutiny (unless you transferred assets or some other easily preventable item). Sounds like you have an easy case from what you posted, so you can relax a while....
        Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
        Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

        I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


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