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Citibank Doesn't Waste Any Time!!!

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    Well, yes, they are jerks!!! Or I'll use my word of the month/year -- jackasses!!!! They left me a message about 2 hours ago asking that I return their call. I guess I'll answer tomorrow and use "the script" .... I'll post back here and let you all know how it goes.... I'm almost done with my photocopying "WHEW" and then on to the assets, liabilities, expenses, etc... I need to get this to my attorney ASAP so I can get these calls off of my back and start the process....


      I had a very similar experience. I had an interest rate of under 5%, was never late, and was never over the limit. Then, on one statement, my interest rate went up to 29%. I knew it was a mistake, so I called to get it straightened out. I couldn't believe my ears when I learned it was NOT A MISTAKE. They said they raised my interest rate because of my poor debt to income ratio. I explained that my business was struggling, but I was confident that I could turn this around if my bills didn't quadruple overnight! The guy wouldn't budge to I asked to speak to his manager, and he wouldn't budge so to the next manager up and up and up until I finally got to someone who would talk to me. I demanded to know their rationale--do they WANT TO FORCE ME INTO BANKRUPTCY???

      Finally this guy said, we know you are in financially overextended and you are eventually going to have to figure out who you pay and who you don't pay. We just want to make sure that you pay us first. I told him it wouldn't work that way. I was on an incredibly tight budget and not only wouldn't I be able to pay them first, with this increase, I wouldn't be able to pay them at all.

      Before I said goodbye, I thanked him. I told him he's made a very difficult decision easy. I told him I used to be scared. But now I was mad. I was being forced into bankruptcy and they were never going to get another nickel from me.

      I moved to a new city (just 60 miles away) and put my phone in my daughter's name. I have not received one call from a creditor since I have lived here (5 months).

      I have over $80,000 in cc debt and feel no guilt and no obligation. Over the past 10 years, these companies have gotten so, so, so much money from me I have paid for whatever it is that I bought many times over. The only debt I have any guilt over is my second mortgage and line of credit that I had with my credit union. My credit union is a really great organization that has never been anything but good and kind and fair with me. I have already decided that when this is all done, I want to pay my credit union back. BUT NOT CITIBANK!!


        Originally posted by cursedbycc View Post
        Well, yes, they are jerks!!! Or I'll use my word of the month/year -- jackasses!!!! They left me a message about 2 hours ago asking that I return their call. I guess I'll answer tomorrow and use "the script" .... I'll post back here and let you all know how it goes.... I'm almost done with my photocopying "WHEW" and then on to the assets, liabilities, expenses, etc... I need to get this to my attorney ASAP so I can get these calls off of my back and start the process....
        Keep this in mind..even if they sue and get a judgment against you it would be discharged in a bankruptcy so do not panic. I know it is easier said than done. I panic


          Originally posted by kathy4530050 View Post
          I had a very similar experience. I had an interest rate of under 5%, was never late, and was never over the limit. Then, on one statement, my interest rate went up to 29%. I knew it was a mistake, so I called to get it straightened out. I couldn't believe my ears when I learned it was NOT A MISTAKE. They said they raised my interest rate because of my poor debt to income ratio. I explained that my business was struggling, but I was confident that I could turn this around if my bills didn't quadruple overnight! The guy wouldn't budge to I asked to speak to his manager, and he wouldn't budge so to the next manager up and up and up until I finally got to someone who would talk to me. I demanded to know their rationale--do they WANT TO FORCE ME INTO BANKRUPTCY???

          Finally this guy said, we know you are in financially overextended and you are eventually going to have to figure out who you pay and who you don't pay. We just want to make sure that you pay us first. I told him it wouldn't work that way. I was on an incredibly tight budget and not only wouldn't I be able to pay them first, with this increase, I wouldn't be able to pay them at all.

          Before I said goodbye, I thanked him. I told him he's made a very difficult decision easy. I told him I used to be scared. But now I was mad. I was being forced into bankruptcy and they were never going to get another nickel from me.

          I moved to a new city (just 60 miles away) and put my phone in my daughter's name. I have not received one call from a creditor since I have lived here (5 months).

          I have over $80,000 in cc debt and feel no guilt and no obligation. Over the past 10 years, these companies have gotten so, so, so much money from me I have paid for whatever it is that I bought many times over. The only debt I have any guilt over is my second mortgage and line of credit that I had with my credit union. My credit union is a really great organization that has never been anything but good and kind and fair with me. I have already decided that when this is all done, I want to pay my credit union back. BUT NOT CITIBANK!!
          Good for you!!!! You fought to be heard and I commend you for that!!!! I'm glad that you were able to move and not be harassed any longer because I think that credit card companies calling for their payment is harassment in my book... Good luck and God Bless...


            inpain66 -- I responded to some of your other posts regarding the court date and I really think they are full of beans -- keep us posted on this. I'm in your corner and so is everyone on this forum...

            Oh, BTW, they called about 20 minutes ago and I answered and it was the automated delayed "please hold, there is an important call -blah-blah-blah", -- I just hung up


              well i'm joining the group. finally stopped payment end of Feb. and Citi is 1st up, 6 cards. changed my phone system and # months ago to VOP. wonderr how long it will take them to get it ?? with the economy crashing the way it is, wonder how many others are stopping payments. Those phone people are gonna be busy.
              Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7


                Hey albacore44!!! Thanks for joining in on the fun ...


                  I too have Citi hounding me....stopped paying on one of the cards in Oct & I owe them a substantial amount-$35k+, they just recently sent it to collections. I have another Citi card that I owe $2k on and they call me at least 3 times a day. I just don't answer & very rarely do they ever leave a message.
                  Filed 5/29/09
                  Discharged 9/14/09


                    Citi's ears must have been burning because as soon as I hit submit post they called me again lol
                    Filed 5/29/09
                    Discharged 9/14/09


                      Originally posted by mamaluv View Post
                      Citi's ears must have been burning because as soon as I hit submit post they called me again lol
                      They are relentless!!!! I await their calls today and I'm ready -- bring it on




                          Wow! What a great letter! Thanks so much for posting this! I don't need it yet myself as I have moved and my creditors haven't found me yet HOWEVER, if I ever do get harassed the way that so many others here have been, I will use your letter FOR SURE.


                            Originally posted by cursedbycc View Post
                            I was so nervous about not paying my cc's and now with this type of treatment, I am starting to get a thicker skin during this whole bk process!!!!

                            Good luck to everyone and I just felt like venting for a moment.
                            I hear ya... After the scam the banks and AIG are pulling, I don't feel the least bit guilty going th BK route. My $80K is a week's pay for some of those crooks. Screw them...
                            02/05/09 Filed BK7
                            03/11/09 341 Hearing
                            05/20/09 Discharged!


                              I have two Citi Bus totally over45K and last payment was Aug.08

                              Originally posted by mamaluv View Post
                              I too have Citi hounding me....stopped paying on one of the cards in Oct & I owe them a substantial amount-$35k+, they just recently sent it to collections. I have another Citi card that I owe $2k on and they call me at least 3 times a day. I just don't answer & very rarely do they ever leave a message.
                              Havent been sent to collections yet.....BofA said this is the last month they will have my act. Let the games begin


                                ready2puke, how long were you able to go with BofA? Did you do anything to extend that time, such as talk about working with them, set up a plan, etc? Thanks.
                                1/15/10 Filed ch7 2/18/10 314 meeting
                                2/22/10 Report of No Distribution
                                4/20/10 Discharged 5/20/10 Closed!


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