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Citibank Doesn't Waste Any Time!!!

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    Citibank Doesn't Waste Any Time!!!

    Well, I have been current on all my cc's until Feb. 26th when my Citibank payment was due. The new statement was generated yesterday, the 4th, and they have called my house two times today already....

    I checked the account online and my payment that I didn't make last month on the 26th ($108) has turned into $379!!!! They have changed my APR from 6.9% to 28.9% and they charged a late fee (of course) and two APR calculations which then totals to the $379 which is due on the account!!!!

    If I could not afford to pay the $108 how in God's name am I going to afford the $379 payment!!!

    I was so nervous about not paying my cc's and now with this type of treatment, I am starting to get a thicker skin during this whole bk process!!!!

    Good luck to everyone and I just felt like venting for a moment.
    Last edited by cursedbycc; 03-05-2009, 11:23 AM.

    Some are much more aggressive than others. This is just the beginning. Brace yourself and do whatever your attorney tells you to do. If you know you will be filing BK for sure, then don't worry what they do to your interest rates and late charges and every other insane charge they will add to your account.


      It definitely does not make sense. I told my last creditor thanks for jacking up our rate. It helped in making my final decision to file bankruptcy.


        Thanks!!! I will more than likely be filing, it's this paperwork that I have to compile for the attorney that's slowing down the process. The photocopying alone is a lot of work.... Then comes the assets listing... and so forth. I hope to have all paperwork and the $100 retainer down payment to my attorney come Monday. I am married but filing alone. I have to get together my information, his information, and joint information.... It's crazy!!!!

        My daughter (who's 4) keeps saying "is it Christmas yet"? And I keep saying, "I wish it was"!!! My husband looks at me like I'm nuts because he knows how stressed I get around Christmas time and I tell him that the only reason I wish it was Christmas is because all of this bk stuff will be behind us (and the economy will hopefully be getting a little better).....

        So here's to Christmas ....


          Yeah Citi releases the hounds immediately. We had around 5 accounts with them and they rang my phone off the hook. We sent a letter to them, they ignored it. So we just ignored their calls for 6 months and filed. They will eventually get to the point where they will call you hourly. Love caller ID. Of course, Citi's stock is now trading at pennies but they are trying to come after yours.


            Yes, the caller ID is a God send during the "collection call avoidance" process!!!! If I do not recognize a number, etc. the machine gets it!!! About 2 weeks ago I went on the donotcallregistry and listed our home number, and our cell numbers -- not sure if it will eliminate the collection calls, but at least it will eliminate the other 800 numbers that ring our phone morning, noon & night!!!


              Your post makes me so nervous! We will default for the first time this month on 2 citibank accts and I am not looking forward to the calls AND we have to wait 6 months to file, yuck.


                whattodointx -- don't worry about the calls. I was the same way and now I can care less. It just makes me so mad when I've seen Citi on my caller ID twice today and I've been nothing but a complying customer of theirs and I'm late on one payment and they are hounding me!!!! (*$))# them is what I say!!!!!


                  Whoops -- double post


                    Originally posted by Mi Bankruptcy View Post
                    It definitely does not make sense. I told my last creditor thanks for jacking up our rate. It helped in making my final decision to file bankruptcy.
                    Ditto !!!! When I checked the online account today this is exactly how I felt!


                      Cursed- thanks for the support!

                      I am most anxious about this because I babysit kids from home and I will be here all day when these calls are coming in...I just don't know what my plan is yet.

                      Do I answer some of the calls each day or all or none? Need to talk to our attorney who we are retaining next week!


                        I did not answer the Citibank calls and they did not leave a message. The greeting on our machine is my husband's business so I guess they figure it is a business and they cannot leave a message for me.... Anyway, I will need to answer soon because I think I have my MIL listed as a contact on the account (which is fine since she and my FIL are aware of the situation) -- I just don't want them to have to be bothered.... As soon as my attorney is officially on a retainer, I will just answer the calls and give them my attorney's name and number... Good luck whattodointx and like all others say on this board "HANG IN THERE -- THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THIS LONG DARK TUNNEL"....


                          I'm with ya sister. To Christmas!!!
                          Filed Chapter 7 12/31/08 341 Meeting 2/3/09 No Asset 2/16/09 Discharged 04/08/09 :)

                          :yahoo: Closed 04/30/09 :yahoo:


                            nervousss -- Yes!!!! Here's to Christmas and good luck to you with your "soon-to-be" discharge!!!!

                            Oh, Citibank just called again -- no message -- but see, that's 3 calls already today and it started at 8:30 this morning....


                              Thank you! Citi was one of my best friends in the many many many months before I filed. Heads up, you might want to talk to them just often enough to keep them from seeking out other less desireable methods of contact (ie, calling your mother or place of work.) Practice your dramatic phone performances. Fake cry about how you had to feed your toddler son top ramen yesterday because you couldn't afford applesauce. Ask them if they have any openings at the call center and if they're local
                              Filed Chapter 7 12/31/08 341 Meeting 2/3/09 No Asset 2/16/09 Discharged 04/08/09 :)

                              :yahoo: Closed 04/30/09 :yahoo:


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